Common Shortcuts

There are several shortcuts in Eclipse that are useful for speeding up development time. They are listed below in no particular order:

Table 3.1 General Studio Shortcuts



Ctrl + Shift + R

Opens a dialog that allows you to search for any file in the workspace.

Ctrl + Shift + T

Opens a dialog that allows you to search for any Java type (class or interface) in the workspace.

Alt + D then S

For applicable file types, this will submit the file to the server. For example, if an MPT is the current tab, this shortcut will submit the MPT to the server.

Ctrl + H

Opens a search dialog to find text in the workspace (or under a selected folder in the Package Explorer ).

Ctrl + M

Maximizes the current Eclipse panel (or restores it if it's already maximized).

Ctrl + W

Closes the current tab.

Ctrl + Shift + W

Closes all open tabs.

Table 3.2 Java Editor Shortcuts



Alt + Left, Alt + Right

Traverses the navigation history, which is created by things like changing tabs and navigating through Java classes. For example, if you Ctrl + Click a method call to open the method definition in another Java file, pressing Alt + Left will go back to the method call.

Ctrl + Space

Brings up a list of autocomplete results depending on the context. For example, within a class definition, this will bring up a list of methods to implement, and within a method implementation it will bring up a list of fields and methods to call.

Ctrl + Alt + H

When the cursor is on a method or class name, this will open a search for the Call Hierarchy for instances where the method (or class constructor) is being called within the code.

Ctrl + I

Corrects indentation for the current line or a selected code block.

Ctrl + Shift + O

Organizes imports. It adds any missing imports and removes unused imports.

Table 3.3 General Editor Shortcuts



Ctrl + K, Ctrl + Shift + K

This will perform the last executed search for the next (or previous) text match. If any text is highlighted, the shortcut will start a new search for the highlighted text.

Ctrl + D

Delete the current line of code.