Custom Installer

The custom-installer.xml build file is an optional build file used during deployment after the base installer has run. It must have a default target and inherits all properties from the installer.xml file used by Studio. This includes the following property files:

  • module-descriptor.xml—The module descriptor for the module

  •—The file defined for your module

  •—A resolved set of properties generated from Platform defaults and the file

  •—A set of default properties used by Platform

The following example moves thesampleFilefile from the installer's build directory to the shared file system directory used by Platform:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="custom-installer" default="build">
<target name="build">
<move file="${basedir}/build/sampleFile" tofile="${sharedFilesystem.root}/sampleFile" />