
This field is used to execute the report against any database other than the primary Oracle database.

<Datasource dbType="MARIA" defaultDatasourceName="MARIADS"/>

dbType - defines the database type. Supported values are: MARIA, MYSQL and ORACLE

defaultDatasourceName - defines the database datasource name on which the report query will be executed. To define supplementary data sources, please refer to chapter named "Supplementary Data Sources".

If defaultDatasourceName is not provided, the report query will be executed against the default oracle datasource. This can be modified at runtime via a "datasourceName" param supplied by the developer in a WebAction.

<WebAction name="ItemReportOnMaria">
<PanelConfig>{reportName: 'PTA.ItemReportOnMaria', autoExecute: true, datasourceName: 'MARIADS'}</PanelConfig>