
  • PageFlow: This represents a set of Pages, PageActions and PageRelatedModels. It has a unique Name and ModelLevel.

  • Page: This is a single page and has a unique Name and a CLOB representing the Layout.

  • PageRelatedModel: This represents a Related Model that has been added to a Page. It contains a PageModelFieldName field which represents the name of the Model Link Field that connects the 2 Model Levels.

  • PageAction: This represents a single action defined within Studio. It has an UnderlyingActionName field to hold that data, as well as a Model Link to either Page or PageRelatedModel. It also has an ActionType field, which should either be CREATE, WRITE, or null. If it's null, it represents a read-only detail page.

  • PageRoutingGuide: This holds the Rules for a Model Level. It has a RuleOrder field which indicates its ordering in relation to the other PageRoutingGuide instances with the same ModelLevel, and a Rules field which is a CLOB holding a JSON array.