Personalized Issues

Issue Computation supports personalized issues. Issues computations on the surface will always execute as part of the workflow. Issue personalization allows the developer to define filters for end-users. Once defined, end users can subscribe to issues within the parameters of the filters they set up. By turning on issue personalization and defining a set of filters, you are enabling your users to select which issues they want to see and which issues they can ignore. The most common business example is that of escalation. Customer service representatives may respond to a broad range of issues. More severe issues might appear for managers, and really severe issues might appear for executives. The One Network SDK allows the module developer to create the filters which the end user's manipulate to fit their needs.

Procedure 4.16. To Add Personalization Filters an Issue:

  1. Click the issue computation within the list.

  2. Select the Filters tab.

  3. Check the Support Personalization checkbox.

    Changing the Support Personalization checkbox setting will erase any code currently defined for the issue since personalized issues generate different class structures and therefore a different skeleton. Be sure to take measures against losing any existing work in the class file.

You may now add one or more filters.

Procedure 4.17. To Add a Filter:

  1. Click the Add button.

  2. Enter a unique name for the filter and select the type of data you'll be working, the Filter Type, with from the drop-down list box.

  3. If you want the filter settings to be required, select the Required check box.

  4. If you want the user to be able to define multiple filters on this type of issue, select the Allow Multiple check box.

  5. If you select Model Refs (short for Model References) as the filter type, you must select the model level for the filter by clicking the Level Type box and selecting the model level from the drop-down list. This setting is disabled for all other filter types.

  6. If you select String Enumeration as the filter type, you must select the enumeration to use from the drop-down list box. This setting is disabled for all other types.