Reports, ReportOverrides, SqlDefs and TLVs

Reports, ReportOverrides, SqlDefs and TLVs will work as they do in the Module, except that you must to provide MY_ENT_ID or MY_ENT_NAME as a filter in your SQL where clause. This is given as a reminder to the developer to provide some level of sandboxing so that users can see data related to their enterprise only. Please note that there is no implicit or automatic sandboxing, so developers must take the responsibility of writing their SQL and applying appropriate enterprise permissions.

Also to refer EPT specific report and TLV in UiMetaModel, you must use "EPT.<EptName>." prefix

<ReportList xmlns="">
<SqlDef Name="GetMyEnterprise" GroupName="SampleReportSqls">
<![CDATA[select ent_name, vc_id, DISPLAY_NAME from enterprise where ent_name = $MY_ENT_NAME$ and vc_id =$MY_VC_ID$]]>
<FieldRef levelType="Enterprise" category="PDF">
<SimpleMapping sqlName="ent_name"/>
<FieldRef levelType="Enterprise" category="PDF">
<SimpleMapping sqlName="vc_id"/>
<FieldRef levelType="Enterprise" category="PDF">
<SimpleMapping sqlName="DISPLAY_NAME"/>