
The following table describes all the possible common integration errors which customer can get from a ONE Network system:

Table 16.27. Common Integration Errors




Missing required field <Field Name> (column <Column Number> in CSV)

Missing required field Name (column 1 in CSV)

This error occurs when you leave a field blank in the CSV which is required by the CSV format.

Provided value is too large for field <Field Name>. Max length allowed is <Column size in DB>.

Provided value is too large for field Name. Max length allowed is 64.

This error occurs if you provide a value which is too large to be stored in the database for the given field.

Data supplied for <Field Name> was invalid: <Value provided in CSV>

Data supplied for PriceAmount was invalid: 1,2,3,4

This error would occur if ONE Network system is unable to parse the date value or number value.

<Value from CSV> is not a valid <Enumeration Name>.

ABC is not a value Country.

This error occurs if the provided value in CSV is not a valid enumeration value. An "Enumeration" field is a field where only a fixed set of values are accepted (for example: "HIGH", "MEDIUM", "LOW"). Please contact your ONE Network Administrator to get the list of all possible values for enumerations.

An incomplete value was supplied for model link field <Field Name>. Values supplied: <List of values from CSV>. Please provide all required natural keys; or provide surrogate id.

An incomplete value was supplied for model link field ManufacturingItem. Values supplied: ManufacturingItemName = SKU-10001; ManufacturerEnterpriseName = (not set). Please provide all required natural keys; or provide surrogate id.

This error occurs if not all values are provided for a ModelLink field. A ModelLink field is "references" another entity ("model") in system. For example, a model link to "Site" requires you to provide the parent Enterprise Name, Organization Name and Site Name to uniquely identify the Site. If any of those fields are absent from our input, this error may occur.

The value you specified for model link field <Field Name> could not be found in the database. You supplied the following values: <List of values from CSV>

The value you specified for model link field ManufacturingItem could not be found in the database. You supplied the following values: ManufacturingItemName = SKU-10001; ManufacturerEnterpriseName = InvalidValue.

This error occurs if the values provided for a ModelLink field don't match an existing record in ONE. For example, if you provide a "Site" with enterprise "ProgressiveRetailer", organization "SouthRegion" and site name "Texas Warehouse", you would receive this exception if no such Site already exists in the system.