One Network Ant Tasks

Every module project's Ant script contains these runnable targets.

  • build [default]—This is the default target. It compiles your module project's code and if the project compiles successfully, the resulting build is deployed to your local Platform Server.

  • clean—Deletes the files associated with the build target and drops all of the database tables generated by models in the project. This target is useful if you have made changes to the definition of custom models in your project. Anytime you make dramatic changes to a model, such as changing any of the field types, you should run the clean target so the database can be re-generated.

  • run-server—Starts the local instance of the Platform server. Note only one instance of the server can be running locally. If you fail to stop a running instance on your local system, this script will fail.

  • run-server-jdwp—Starts the local instance of the Platform server with the Java Debug Wire Protocol enabled. This allows you to debug server code from within Studio. For more in Debugging, see the section on Debugging within this chapter. Note only one instance of the server can be running locally. If you fail to stop a running instance on your local system, this script will fail.

  • deploy-reports—If you've done work on reports, you can just deploy the report files instead of doing a full build. This is faster than a full build and does not require a server restart to see the results.

  • deploy-sqlDefs—Publishes all sqldefs to the server. You can test your changes without restarting the server.

  • deploy-web-files—Publishes the contents of the web / public folder which contains the HTML, images, CSS, and ExtJs / JavaScript files for your project. You can review your changes without restarting the server.

    You must alter the build.jsb file before any new ExtJs classes are available. For full details, please see the chapter titled Developing User Interfaces .

    Do not forget to clear the browser cache when testing changes to the web files.

    • gen-instance-schema-create—Generates the DDL needed to create the current project's schema on an Oracle database server. This is useful if you need to replicate the schema to a server that is not configured as a build target.

    • get-instance-schema-update—Generates the DDL needed to update an older schema to the project's current schema. This is useful for updating an existing database server without wiping the data as would happen in a clean build on a development instance.

    • hotswap-mpt—Compiles the MPT and publishes it to the server. This is the same operation as Studio's "Submit to Server" button found on the tool bar. As its name implies, no server restart is required to review the changes to the MPT.

    • make-all-docs—Used to generate JavaDocs from annotations within the classes in your project.

    • modeldoc—Generates the JavaDocs for your models. This is automatically called from the make-all-docs target.

    • quick-compile—Compiles only the most recent changes and deploys them to Platform Server.

    • resolve-binary-deps—Resolves the binary dependencies for the instance and saves them to the cache.

    • test—Builds everything, starts the server, runs all tests, then stops the server.

    If you are working with a dataset project, it has its own set of Ant scripts which are different than those found in a module.

    • load-data [default]—Builds classes in the Standard Process Template and hot swaps them into a running server. This task also loads all the sample data associated with the dataset.

    Make sure you have your local server running before you execute this target. If you don't you'll see a failure message stating:

    [junit] Connection reset

    [junit] Connection reset

    clean —Deletes Standard Process Template classes.