Aggregated POS Sales Analysis

The Aggregated Sales Analysis report shows aggregated points of sale (POS) data. This report analyzes aggregated POS historical sales data and suggests which statistical algorithms to use for forecasting. Users can approve proposed aggregated sales analysis algorithm changes from this screen. This report is applicable only for aggregated sales data analysis.

View the Aggregated POS Sales Analysis Report

Complete the following steps to access the Aggregated Sales Analysis report:

  1. Log in to the ONE system.

  2. Click Menus/Favs > Demand Planning > Historical Data Analysis > Aggregated Sales Analysis.
    The Aggregated Sales Analysis page displays.


  3. Fill out the following fields. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.



    * Enterprise Name

    Click the picker tool icon to select an enterprise.

    Product Type Name

    Enter a product type name.

    Product Group Level

    Use the picker tool to select a product group level.

    Item Name

    Use the picker tool to select an item.

    * Config Name

    Use the picker tool to select the configuration.

    Show Algorithm Variants Only

    Select the checkbox to show algorithm variants only.

  4. When all desired fields have been filled, click the Search link.
    The page displays the search results.

Approve Proposed Aggregated Sales Analysis Algorithm Changes

Complete the following steps to approve proposed algorithm changes to a line in the Aggregated Sales Analysis report:

  1. Select a checkbox to select a row.

  2. Click the Apply Recommended Algorithm button at the bottom of the page.


    A confirmation page appears.

  3. To confirm the changes made, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.


    A success message appears. The suggested algorithm is now applied.