Complete PO Workflow

The section describes the complete workflow for a PO between buyers , vendors, and warehouse managers. This full workflow includes holds, cancelations, backorders, order promising details, partially shipped orders, and partially received orders not described in the "Simple PO Workflow" secti on.


The following table describes the PO states in this workflow.




The initial state of PO. Buyers or vendors with vendor-managed inventory (VMI) can:

  • Select the Save action and update the PO details

  • Select the Submit action and submit the PO

  • Select the Delete action to delete the PO

Awaiting Approval

Buyers or vendors with VMI create the PO, submitting the PO for internal buyer organization approval. This moves the PO to the Awaiting Approval state. Once in the Awaiting Approval state, buyers or vendors with VMI can:

  • Select the Update action to update PO details, keeping the PO in the Awaiting Approval state

  • Select the Approve action to approve the PO. The order moves to the New state. If the order is not valid, a blocking or non-blocking hold is placed on the PO to indicate there are validation issues.

  • Select the Close action to close the PO


The PO is approved by the buyer or vendor with VMI and ready for the vendor to take action. Once in the New state, the buyer or vendor with VMI can take the Revise action and revise PO details, keeping the PO in the New state.

The vendor can:

  • Select the Vendor Promise action. Once promised, the order moves to the Open state. If the order is not valid, a blocking or non-blocking hold is placed on the PO to indicate there are validation issues.

  • Select the Vendor Approve action. Once approved, the order moves to the In Promising state. If the order is not valid, a blocking or non-blocking hold is placed on the PO to indicate there are validation issues.


When a vendor is not able to fully promise a PO, the vendor has the ability to partially promise the PO and provide the rest of the quantity as a backorder quantity. Once the PO quantity is available, the vendor can take the Vendor Promise action to promise the PO, moving the order from the Backordered state to the Open state.

In Promising

See the "Order Promising Collaboration" section in this document for more information on transitioning from the In Promising state to the Open state.


When the PO is in the Open state, it is ready to start the shipping portion of its lifecycle. The vendor can t ake the Create ASN action to create an automatic shipping notification (ASN), moving the PO from the Open state to the In Fulfillment state.

If the PO does not require a shipment, the warehouse manager can select the Receive action to move the PO from the Open state to the Received state.

In Fulfillment

An ASN has been created and approved for the PO. Transportation managers can:

  • Select the Ship action and ship a shipment, moving the PO from the In Fulfillment state to the In Transit state

  • Select the Ship action and partially ship a shipment, moving the PO from the In Fulfillment state to the Partially Shipped state

The warehouse manager can select the Receive action to move the PO from the In Fulfillment state to the Received state.

Partially Shipped

The Partially Shipped state indicates that only part of the agreed quantity was shipped by the vendor.

The warehouse manager can select the Receive action and move the PO to the Partially Received state.

Partially Received

The Partially Received state indicates that only part of the agreed quantity was received by the buyer. Typically this is due to an overshipping situation. The warehouse manager can:

  • Select the Consume action, keeping the PO in the Partially Received state

  • Select the Receive action, moving the order to the Received state

In Transit

The shipment containing the PO has been shipped by the vendor.

The warehouse manager can select the Receive action, moving the PO from the In Transit state to the Received state.


The PO has been received by the buyer. The w arehouse manager can:

  • Select the Consume action, keeping the PO in the Received state.

  • If an invoice is paid and closed, then the PO will transition from the Received state to the Closed state.


The PO is closed by the buyer after being received.

The Closed state is the end of the workflow.

For POs with blocking or non-blocking holds, buyers or vendors with VMI can:

  • Select the Update action to update PO details, keeping the PO hold intact

  • Select the Override or Approve action to approve the PO, removing the hold. Note the Override action is taken on the hold, not on the PO.