Creating CDT Agent Configurations

Users can configure basic engine parameters via policies set for the Constrained Demand Translation (CDT) Engine.

When the CDT Engine runs, any configuration overrides default engine parameters or the Intelligent Execution Management (IXM) Engine configuration.

Complete the following steps to create a new CDT agent config:

  1. Log in to the ONE system. Not all users and roles have access to this particular feature.

  2. Click Menus/Favs > Manufacturing Policies > Create CDT Agent Config.
    The Create CDT Agent Config screen displays the Basic tab by default.


  3. Enter values for the following fields. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.



    * Policy Name

    Enter a unique name for the new policy.

    Plan Start Adjustment

    Planning Bucketization

    Select a time bucket from the dropdown list.

    Planning Mode

    Select a planning mode from the dropdown list.

    Production Order States

    Enter the production order states as a filter for the engine run.

    Do Not Write RM Supply

    Check the box if you do not want to write raw material (RM) supply in the engine run.

    Write Raw Material Stockout

    Check the box if you wish to write raw material stockouts during the engine run.

    Consider Intermediate Item Demand

    Check the box if you wish the run to include intermediate item demands.

    Consider Freeze Period

    Check the box if you wish the run to include any freeze period.

    Write Raw Material Consumptions

    Check the box if you wish the run to write any raw materials consumed.

    Include Raw Material Items With No Supply For Allocation Consumption

    Check the box if you wish you include any raw materials that have no supply for allocation consumption in the engine run.

    Plan End Adjustment

    Enter a numerical value for the end adjustment of this plan.

    Plan Horizon

    Enter a numerical value for the plan's horizon.

    Planning Scenario

    Use the picker tool to search and select a planning scenario.

    Historical Order Shipment Adjustment In Days

    Enter the number of days to consider historical order shipment adjustments.

    Write Intermediate

    Check the box if you wish to write intermediate

    Enable Aggregation Of Lead Time Lost Sales

    Check the box if you wish to enable the aggregation of lead time for lost sales during the run.

    Write Production Order

    Check the box if you wish the run to write to the production order.

    Associate Transactions With Site Source

    Check the box if you wish the run to associate transactions with a site source.

    Carry In Freeze Period Demand

    Check the box if you wish the run to consider the carry-in freeze period demand.

  4. Click the Advanced tab to enter values for the following fields:



    Finished Goods Item Comparator

    Select a value from the dropdown list as a comparison.

    Maximum Hill Size

    Enter a numerical value for the maximum hill size.

    Relative MIP Gap Tolerance

    Enter a numerical value for the gap tolerance associated with the relative MIP.

    Time Limit In Seconds

    Enter a numerical value for the time limit in seconds.

    Build Ahead Number of Buckets

    Enter a numerical value for the number of buckets in the build ahead scenario.

    Late Production Discount Rate

    Enter a numerical value for the discount rate on late production.

    On Time Production Discount Rate

    Enter a numerical value for the discount rate for on-time production.

    Component Carry In Discount Rate

    Enter a numerical value for the discount rate for any carry in components.

    Round Down Factor

    Enter a value as a factor to round down to.

    Is Just In Time

    Check the box if the run includes Just In Time items.

    Solver Type

    Select a solver type from the dropdown list.

    Absolute MIP Gap Tolerance

    Enter a numerical value for the gap tolerance of absolute MIP.

    Max Bound

    Enter a numerical value for the maximum bound.

    Promise Shortage Threshold

    Enter a numerical value for the threshold of promised shortages.

    Fair Share Discount Rate

    Enter a numerical value for the fair share discount rate.

    Finished Goods Carry In Discount Rate

    Enter the discounted rate for carry in finished goods.

    Finished Goods Carry Round Down Discount Rate

    Disable Fair Share

    Check the box if you wish to disable fair share calculations in the engine run.

    Recalculate Capacity Consumption

    Check the box if you wish to have a recalculation of capacity consumption made in the engine run.

    Bucket Transform Function Name

    Select a value from the dropdown list.

  5. Click the Create button.