Creating a Demand Planning Engine Configuration

Complete the following steps to create a demand planning engine configuration:

  1. L og in to the ONE system.

  2. Click Menus/Favs > Demand Planning > Forecast Processing > Create DP Config.
    The Create DP Config screen opens.


  3. Fill out the following fields. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.

    Field Name


    * Config Owner Enterprise

    Use the picker tool to select a configuration owner enterprise.

    * Config Name

    Enter a unique name for the configuration.

    * Standard Name

    Select a standardized name (forecast type) for the configuration from the dropdown list. Options range from configuration 1 to configuration 20.

    * Forecast Method

    Select a forecast method from the dropdown list.

    Algorithm Parameter

    Use the picker tool to select an algorithm parameter.

    * Calendar Hierarchy

    Enter the hierarchy used for the configuration calendar. The default value is ISO 8601.

    Statistical Forecast Product Level

    Enter the statistical level for product forecasting. Begin typing and select from the values that appear below the field.

    Statistical Forecast Geographical Level

    Enter the geographical level for the forecast. Begin typing and select from the values that appear below the field.

    Statistical Forecast Account Level

    Enter the account level for the forecast. Begin typing and select from the values that appear below the field.

    * Statistical Forecast Calendar Level

    Choose either a yearly, monthly, weekly, or daily calendar level.

    * Forecast Horizon

    Enter a plot point for the forecast.

    * Daily Forecast Horizon

    Enter a daily representation of the forecast horizon.

    Historical Horizon

    Enter a historical forecast horizon.

    * Start Day Of Week

    Select the day of the week on which the calendar begins.

    * History Source Transaction

    Select the source where the engine gathers aggregated transaction history for the configuration.

    History Source Trans Name

    Enter the name for the History Source Transaction.

    * Split Ratio Model Name

    Enter the name for the split model. The default value is Standard SplitRatio.

    Daily Split Ratio Model Name

    The default value is CalDayWeek Division SplitRatio.

    Demand Forecast Trans Name

    The default value is Standard DemandForecast.

    Store Demand Forecast Trans Name

    The default value is Standard SCC.StoreDemandForecast.

    Product Group Type

    A hierarchical setting for products that are waiting to be forecasted.

    Geo Group Type

    A geographical hierarchy setting.

    Account Group Type

    A partner for the DP configuration. Several options are available for the account group partner.

    Disaggregation Mode

    Select a disaggregation mode from the dropdown list.

    Exponential Trend Limit Enabled

    Select Yes or No from the dropdown list.

    Source Forecasts

    Enter the names of the forecast types to which you want to copy this statistical forecast (S1, S2, S3, and so on). Separate the values with commas.

    * Initial Forecast State

    Select the initial forecast state from the dropdown list.

    Is Active

    Check this box to make the configuration active.


    Check this box to make the configuration the default configuration for the DP engine.

    Is Run For DC Only

    Check this box to run for distribution centers only.

    Is Setup Zero Input

    Check this box for the configuration to run without input.

    Process Seasonality

    Check this box to process using a seasonality scheme.

    Support Store Deactivation

    Supports the deactivation of a store.

    Apply Lost Sales

    Factors in Lost Sales for the demand planning configuration.

    Exclusive Mode

    Defines that other configurations can't override forecasts produced by this configuration.

    Eliminate Forecast Discontinuity

    Check this box to eliminate forecast discontinuity.

    Process Attach Rate

    Check this box to process the attach rate.

  4. In the Propagation Levels section, click the +Add link.
    A new row appears, and the fields become active.


  5. Fill out the following fields. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required. Click inside a cell to edit the field.

    Field Name


    * Prop Id

    This field is auto-populated but can be edited.

    Product Level

    Enter a product level.

    Geo Level

    Enter a geographic level.

    Account Level

    Enter an account level.

    Forecast Horizon

    Enter a daily forecast horizon.

  6. Once all information has been entered, click the Create Scenario button.
    A success message appears.

  7. To make any changes to the configuration, click the Update button at the bottom of the page.