Delivery Timeline Data Report

Users have a report to view shipments on a timeline using different bucketized and status filters.

Complete the following steps to view and work with the Delivery Timeline Data report:

  1. L og in to the ONE system.

  2. Click Menu/Favs > Reports > Delivery Timeline Data.
    The Delivery Timeline Data screen filter header displays. Fields with an X can be removed.


  3. Fill out the following fields. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.



    * Estimated Delivery

    Use the calendar and clock tools to enter an estimated delivery range.


    Use the calendar and clock tools to enter a pickup date range.

    Ship To Site

    Enter or use the picker tool Ship To site.


    Select the equipment type from the dropdown list.

    Ship From Country

    Enter the Ship From country.

    * Freight Control

    Select the freight control from the dropdown list.

    * Timeline

    1. Click the calendar icon.
      A popup displays.


    2. Select the type of time bucket from the dropdown list for the * Bucketization field.

    3. Use the calendar tool to provide a * Date Range for the timeline report to display.

    Ship From Site

    Enter or use the picker tool to select the Ship From site.

    Ship To Country

    Enter the Ship To country.


    Enter or use the picker tool to select the carrier.

  4. Click the Add Filter link to add more filter fields.

  5. Click the Search link.
    The timeline view displays; time bucket column headers shaded black with white text that occurred in the past. White column headers with black text indicate current and future time buckets.


  6. Click any number links to open a new tab with the shipments in the selected status for a time bucket.

  7. Click the Export to Excel button to export an Excel file of the data to your computer.