MEIO Process Overview

  1. This ordered list describes the steps in the Multi-Echelon Inventory Optimization (MEIO) process. Many of these steps are configured to run automatically, but many may also be completed manually. Click a link to view more detailed information about that step in the process.

    1. If necessary, create or update the Multi-Tier Inventory Planning Statistical Engine (MTIP Stat) Configuration to set the desired parameters for the MTIP Stat engine run. (Once a configuration has been set, this step will rarely need to be completed again.)

    2. If necessary, create or update the MEIO Confg to set the desired parameters for the MEIO engine run. (Once a config has been set, this step will rarely need to be completed again.)

    3. If necessary, create or update the MEIO Objectives for the MEIO engine to set up desired targets. (This step is only necessary if the engine targets have changed.)

    4. View the IP Data Sanity Summary to check for issues with the data the MEIO engine will use. Correct the master data if required. This action should be taken before the monthly scheduled run of the MEIO engine.

    5. Provide relevant statistical data as input for MEIO engine:

      1. Order Lead Time Std Deviation

      2. Production Demand Statistics

    6. Set up Safety Stock constraints on Buffers if needed. For more information, see the "Buffers" section in the current release of Online Help. Safety stock constraints include:

      1. Max Safety Stock Change as Percentage

      2. Min/Max Safety Stock constraints

      3. Min/Max Safety Stock constraints effective period

    7. Run IP master data management script. This step is only run automatically as part of a scheduled IP functionality chain and cannot be run manually. Users should be aware that the script is part of the process they will need to check if they experience issues with the MEIO process. The purposes of this script are to:

      1. Set up Order Lead time on Buffer Lanes

      2. Manage buffers not requiring safety stock optimization

      3. Manage master data errors: disable circular buffer lanes

    8. Run the MTIP Stat Engine. (This engine is usually scheduled to run automatically as part of a monthly scheduled IP functionality chain.)

    9. Run the MEIO Engine. (This engine is usually scheduled to run automatically as part of a monthly scheduled IP functionality chain.)

    10. View the results in the MEIO Run Summary report and MEIO Recommended Policy Report and check for errors.

    11. Make adjustments to the safety stock levels on Buffers based on the MEIO Recommended Policy Report recommendations to achieve the desired service level. The safety stock levels can be updated at all buffers from the MEIO Recommended Policy Report.