Material PIV Data Measures

The following table lists details about each data measure shown in the Data Measure column on the Material Projected Inventory View (PIV). Each line provides the name of the data measure, the states of the orders or shipments included in the measure, the resulting destination after clicking the measure's link in a date column (if available for that measure), and any further information about the data measure.

Data Measure


Links To

More Information

Inbound Bucketized Order Forecast

Open, Vendor Confirmed With Changes, Buyer Confirmed With Changes, Awaiting Approval, New, Buyer Change Requested, Vendor Change Requested, Soft Promised

Based on the forecast date

Order Forecasts

  • Approved order forecasts generated by replenishment engine

  • Filter by site or location using the PIV filter

Awaiting Approval Purchase Orders

Awaiting Approval

Search Purchase Orders report

  • Filter by site or location using the PIV filter

  • Available for Buyer roles and Orchestrators acting on behalf of Buyer (Customer). For vendor roles where My Organization in (Selling Org, Ship from Org) and shipment with status «Pre-ASN» in the Awaiting state should be exist

Confirmed Purchase Orders

  • New, Buyer Confirmed With Changes, Vendor Confirmed With Changes, Buyer Change Requested, Vendor Change Requested, Open, In Promising

  • In Fulfillment, Partially Shipped, Partially Received: Only for Partially Fulfilled, Shipped, and Received orders that have an ordered quantity not fully covered by the shipment quantity

Search Purchase Orders report

Filter by site or location using the PIV filter

Confirmed Purchase Orders In The Past

  • New, Buyer Confirmed With Changes, Vendor Confirmed With Changes, Buyer Change Requested, Vendor Change Requested, Open, In Promising

  • In Fulfillment, Partially Shipped, Partially Received: Only for Partially Fulfilled, Shipped, and Received orders that have an ordered quantity not fully covered by the shipment quantity

Search Purchase Orders report based on the “OlderOrderAdjustmentDays” RPL engine configuration, defaults to 10 days

Filter by site or location using the PIV filter

Planned Shipments

Awaiting, Confirmed, Tendered, Pick Ready

Search Shipments report

The Search Shipments report is order type agnostic. If shipments exist for different order types (such as deployment and purchase orders), they won’t be reflected in a drill-down report.

  • Shipment.shipped qty

  • Based on NVL (Delivery Appt, Delivery) Date Range Start

Planned Shipments In The Past

Awaiting, Confirmed, Tendered, Pick Ready, Intransit, Delivery Ready, Delivered

Search Shipments report based on “OlderOrderAdjustmentDays” RPL engine configuration, defaults to 10 days

  • Based on NVL (Delivery Appt, Delivery) Date Range Start

  • Quantity from the data measure on the PIV and the quantity in the Search Shipments report may be different due to a date range difference

Intransit Shipments

Intransit, Delivery Ready, Delivered

Search Shipments report

The Search Shipments report is order type agnostic. If shipments exist for different order types (such as deployment and purchase orders), they won’t be reflected in a drill-down report.

  • Shipment.shipped qty

  • Based on NVL (Delivery Appt, Delivery) Date Range Start

Awaiting Approval Deployment Orders

Awaiting Approval

Search Enhanced Order report for the Buyer role or Orchestrator role that executes on behalf of the Buyer (Customer)

Filter by site or location using the PIV filter

On Hold Deployment Orders

Awaiting Approval, New

Search Enhanced Orders report

  • Filter by site or location using the PIV filter

  • Linked to blocking holds in an Open state

Approved Deployment Orders

New, Buyer Confirmed With Changes, Vendor Confirmed With Changes, Buyer Change Requested, Vendor Change Requested, Open, In Promising, In Fulfillment (only for partially fulfilled orders)

Search Enhanced Orders report

Filter by site or location using the PIV filter

Approved Deployment Orders In the Past

New, Buyer Confirmed With Changes, Vendor Confirmed With Changes, Buyer Change Requested, Vendor Change Requested, Open, In Promising, In Fulfillment (only for Partially Fulfilled orders)

Search Deployment Orders report based on the “OlderOrderAdjustmentDays” RPL engine configuration, defaults to 10 days

  • Quantity from the data measure on the PIV and the quantity in the Search Deployment Orders report may be different

Planned Shipments For Deployment Orders

Awaiting, Confirmed, Tendered, Pick Ready

Search Shipments report

The Search Shipments report is order type agnostic. If shipments exist for different order types (such as deployment and purchase orders), they won’t be reflected in a drill-down report.

  • Based on order type

  • Shipment.shipped qty

  • Based on NVL (Delivery Appt, Delivery) Date Range Start

Planned Shipments For Deployment Orders In The Past

Awaiting, Confirmed, Tendered, Pick Ready, Intransit, Delivery Ready, Delivered

Search Shipments report based on the “OlderOrderAdjustmentDays” RPL engine configuration, defaults to 10 days.

The Search Shipments report is order type agnostic. If shipments exist for different order types (such as deployment and purchase orders), they won’t be reflected in a drill-down report.

  • Based on order type

  • Based on NVL (Delivery Appt, Delivery) Date Range Start

  • Quantity from the data measure on the PIV and the quantity in the Search Shipments report may be different due to a date range difference

Intransit Shipments For Deployment Orders

Intransit, Delivery Ready, Delivered

Search Shipments report

The Search Shipments report is order type agnostic. If shipments exist for different order types (such as deployment and purchase orders), they won’t be reflected in a drill-down report.

  • Based on order type

  • Based on NVL (Delivery Appt, Delivery) Date Range Start

  • Quantity from the data measure on the PIV and the quantity in the Search Shipments report may be different due to a date range difference

Deployment Orders

  • Awaiting Approval Deployment Orders

  • On Hold Deployment Orders

  • Approved Deployment Orders

  • Approved Deployment Orders In The Past

  • Planned Shipments for Deployment Orders

  • Planned Shipments for Deployment Orders In The Past

  • Intransit Shipments for Deployment Orders

Shipment vs Order

  • Received vs Ordered Qty

    • States: Received, Closed

    • Formula = received qty - shipped qty

    • Traffic light rule is applied

  • Ordered Quantity (order.agreed qty)

    • States: Open, In Fullfilment, In Transit, Partially Shipped, Partially Received, Received, Closed

  • Shipped Quantity

    • States: Intransit

  • Received Quantity

    • States: Received, Closed

  • Ordered - Shipped Mismatch

    • shipped qty – order.agreed qty

  • Shipped - Received Mismatch

    • received qty – shipment.shipped qty

Comparison is made only for purchase orders and their corresponding shipments.

Demand Forecast


Drill down to the Search Demand Forecast report

  • Demand Forecast.Forecast Quantity S1

  • Computed by RPL API

Outbound Bucketized Order Forecast

Open, Vendor Confirmed With Changes, Buyer Confirmed With Changes, Awaiting Approval, New, Buyer Change Requested, Vendor Change Requested, Soft Promised

Based on the forecast date

Projected Inventory – Projected inventory is computed by RPL API.

  • Supply: Approved OFs, Awaiting Approval, On Hold, Confirmed POs, Planned and Intransit Shipments, Inbound Bucketized Order Forecast

  • Demand: Demand Forecast, Outbound Bucketized Order Forecast

  • Static Order Policy

    • –ve value is highlighted in red

    • +ve value but less than min quantity is highlighted in yellow

    • +ve value but more than max quantity is highlighted in orange

  • Dynamic Order Policy

    • –ve value is highlighted in red

    • +ve value but less than POH less SS DM value for current bucket date is highlighted in yellow

Projected Inventory w/o Awaiting Approval

Same as Projected Inventory data measure without Awaiting Approval orders

Projected Inventory For Request Qty Only

  • Replenishment analysis data measure

  • Coloring is the same as on Projected Inventory data measure

  • Available only if the SCPT.ShowReplenishmentAnalysisDataMeasuresOnPIV policy is enabled

Lost Sales

  • Replenishment analysis data measure

  • Available only if the SCPT.ShowReplenishmentAnalysisDataMeasuresOnPIV policy is enabled

Lost Sales Adjustment

  • Replenishment analysis data measure

  • Available only if the SCPT.ShowReplenishmentAnalysisDataMeasuresOnPIV policy is enabled

Deferred Lost Sales

  • Replenishment analysis data measure

  • Available only if the SCPT.ShowReplenishmentAnalysisDataMeasuresOnPIV policy is enabled

Expired On Hand

  • Replenishment analysis data measure

  • Available only if the SCPT.ShowReplenishmentAnalysisDataMeasuresOnPIV policy is enabled

Late Supply Order

  • Replenishment analysis data measure

  • Available only if the SCPT.ShowReplenishmentAnalysisDataMeasuresOnPIV policy is enabled

DOS (Days of Supply)

  • Replenishment analysis data measure

  • Available if the SCPT.Advanced Data Measure policy has this data measure as the value

The following traffic light rules are applied to mismatched data measures:

  • Red if the –ve and absolute difference are greater than the tolerance percentage

  • Yellow if the –ve and absolute difference are within the tolerance percentage limit

  • Green if +ve and the absolute difference are within tolerance percentage limit

  • Otherwise, no coloring