Sales Order Exception Reports

Users can view six different reports that detail exceptions occurring in sales orders. The following exception reports are available:

  • Sales Order Missing ASN Report

  • Past Due Sales Order Report

  • Sales Order Lines Shipped Short Report

  • Sales Order Lines Promised Short Report

  • Unreceived Sales Orders Report

  • Late Sales Orders Report

Complete the following steps to view a sales order exception report:

  1. L og in to the ONE system.

  2. Click Menus/Favs > Order Mgmt > Deployment Order > Exception Reports, then select one of the report types from the menu.
    In the NEO UI, users can click on the Menus/Favs icon on the left sidebar and type in the name of the screen in the menu search bar. For more information, see "Using the Menu Search Bar."

    The screen for the selected report displays with the Filters menu open.

    The filters and the results screen for each exception report are different; the example below is from the Sales Order Missing ASN Report.


  3. Enter filter parameters to limit the search results based on entered filters. The filters for each exception report may differ slightly from what is shown in the image.
    See the table below for filter field names and field descriptions.

    Field Name

    Field Description

    Available On


    Enter a vendor in this field to limit the report results to a specific vendor.



    Enter a customer in this field to limit report results to a specific customer.


    Lateness, Days

    Enter the tolerance in days to specify the minimum number of days late.

    Past Due Sales Order Report, Late Sales Orders Report, Unreceived Sales Order Report


    Enter an item in this field to limit report results to a specific item.


    Delivery Date

    Click the calendar and time icons to select the delivery date range for the report.


    Creation Date

    Click the calendar and time icons to select the creation date range for the report.


    Ship To Site

    Enter a Ship-to Site in this field to limit report results to a specific Ship-to Site.


    Ship From Site

    Enter a Ship-from Site in this field to limit report results to a specific Ship-from Site.


    Ship To Partner

    Enter a Ship-to Partner in this field to limit report results to a specific Partner.

    Sales Order Missing ASN Report, Late Sales Orders Report, Sales Order Lines Shipped Short Report

    Disable my Preferences

    Selecting the Disable my Preferences setting disables your My Entity settings.

    The “My Entity” feature gives users the ability to have an extra level of filtering to be applied on transactional reports. This enables the users to view transactional data for only those entities (Item/Site/Vendor) that they are interested in.


    Order Number

    Enter the order number.

    Past Due Sales Order Report

    Order Created After

    Enter a date and time to view only orders created after the entered date and time.

    Sales Orders Missing ASN Report

    Shipped After

    Enter a date and time to view only orders shipped after the entered date and time.

    Sales Orders Missing ASN Report

    Trans Mode

    Enter the transportation mode.

    Past Due Sales Order Report

    Ship From Country

    Enter the Ship From country.


    Ship To Country

    Enter the Ship To country.


    BSO Number

    Enter the blanket sales order (BSO) Number

    Past Due Sales Order Report

    Ext Ship From Site

    Enter the external Ship From site.

    Sales Order Missing ASN Report, Past Due Sales Order Report, Sales Order Lines Shipped Short Report, Late Sales Orders Report

    External Ship To Site

    Enter the external Ship To site.

    Sales Order Missing ASN Report, Past Due Sales Order Report, Sales Order Lines Shipped Short Report, Late Sales Orders Report

    Short By(%)

    Enter a value to define the short-by threshold.

    Sales Order Lines Promised Short - Percentage of difference between promise quantity and request quantity

    Sales Order Lines Shipped Short - Percentage of difference between shipped quantity and agreed quantity

    Sales Order Lines Promised Short, Sales Order Lines Shipped Short

    Planner Code

    Enter the planner code.

    Past Due Sales Order Report

    Order Classification

    Select the order classification from the drop-down list.

    Sales Order Missing ASN Report, Past Due Sales Order Report, Sales Order Lines Shipped Short Report, Late Sales Orders Report

    Parent Order Number

    Enter the parent order number.

    Past Due Sales Order Report

    Generic Item

    Enter the generic item.

    Sales Order Missing ASN Report, Sales Order Lines Promised Short Report, Unreceived Sales Order Report, Late Sales Orders Report

    Specific Item

    Enter the specific item.

    Sales Order Missing ASN Report, Sales Order Lines Promised Short Report, Unreceived Sales Order Report, Late Sales Orders Report

    Ship To Location

    Enter the Ship To Location. Note this is separate from the Ship To Site field).

    Sales Order Missing ASN Report, Sales Order Lines Promised Short Report, Unreceived Sales Order Report, Late Sales Orders Report

    Ship From Location

    Enter the Ship From Location. Note this is separate from the Ship From Site field).

    Sales Order Missing ASN Report, Sales Order Lines Promised Short Report, Unreceived Sales Order Report, Late Sales Orders Report

  4. If the filter you want to use does not appear, click the Add Filter link to add additional search filters as desired.

  5. Once the filtering parameters are entered, click Search to generate a report using the entered filters.
    The selected report appears.