Search Store Point of Sale Data

Users can search for point-of-sale (POS) information organized by a store in the One Network system.

Complete the following steps to search store POS data:

  1. Log in to the ONE system.

  2. Click Menus/Favs > Demand Planning > History Review > Search Store POS.
    The Search Store POS screen displays with filters showing.


  3. Fill out the following fields. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.



    Item Name

    Click the picker tool icon to select an item name.

    Product Group Level

    Click the picker tool icon to select the product group level.


    Enter the distribution center (DC) name.

    Site Group Level

    Click the picker tool icon to select a site group level.


    Enter the site name.

    * Date Range

    Click the calendar icons to set the date range.

    * Data Bucketization

    Select the data bucketization period from the dropdown list.

    Aggregation Bucketization

    Select the aggregation bucketization period from the dropdown list.

  4. Click the Search link.


  5. Click the Export to CSV button to export the results to a spreadsheet.