Searching and Updating Buffers

From the Inventory Planning menu, users can search buffers and update the inventory planning fields for an existing buffer.

Complete the following steps to search buffers from the Inventory Planning menu:

  1. L og in to the ONE system.

  2. Click Menus/Favs > Inventory Planning > Configuration > Search Buffer.
    The Search Buffer screen appears with the filter fields displayed.
    In the NEO UI, users can click on the Menus/Favs icon on the left sidebar and type in the name of the screen in the menu search bar. For more information, see "Using the Menu Search Bar."


  3. Fill in the filter fields as necessary to limit the search results to the desired buffers. The following table describes the available filter fields.

    Field Name



    Click the picker tool to select the enterprise, or begin typing the enterprise name and select the enterprise from the predictive text results that display below the field.


    Click the picker tool to select the item, or begin typing the item name and select the item from the predictive text results that display below the field.

    Site Organization

    Click the picker tool to select the site organization, or begin typing the site organization name and select it from the predictive text results that display below the field.


    Click the picker tool to select the site, or begin typing the site name and select it from the predictive text results that display below the field.


    Click the picker tool to select the location, or begin typing the location name and select it from the predictive text results that display below the field.

    Run Replenishment

    Select Yes or No from the dropdown list.

    Run Inventory Planning

    Select Yes or No from the dropdown list.

    Item Classification

    Select the item classification from the dropdown list.

    MEIO Run Number Modified Safety Stock

    Enter a value for the modified safety stock.

    Data Sanity Check Condition

    Enter a value for the data sanity check condition.

  4. Click the Search link.
    A summary of buffers matching the search criteria appears.


  5. Click the Export to CSV button to export the report to a CSV file.

  6. Click the Download button to download the list of buffers.

  7. Click the Upload IP Settings button to upload a CSV file with new inventory planning (IP) settings. (A new tab appears for this action.)

Complete the following steps to update the inventory planning fields for an existing buffer:

  1. Log in to the ONE system.

  2. Click Menu/Favs > Inventory Planning > Configuration > Search Buffer.
    The Search Buffer screen displays.

  3. Complete the steps at the top of this page to locate the buffer you want to update.
    The list of buffers that match your search criteria displays.


  4. To select a buffer, click the Buffer Name link.
    The inventory planning fields for the selected buffer display in a new tab.


  5. Complete or update the following fields as desired.




    The name for each buffer is generated by the system. The name appears in the field when the buffer is created.


    This field auto-populates for the buffer selected.


    This field auto-populates for the buffer selected.


    This field auto-populates for the buffer selected.

    Run Inventory Planning

    Select this checkbox to run inventory planning for this buffer.

    Mfg Freeze Time Days

    Enter the manufacturing freeze time in days.

    Production Sch Adherence

    Enter the production schedule adherence.

    Production Batch Size

    Enter the production batch size.

    IP Reorder Quantity

    Enter the inventory planning reorder quantity.

    IP Lead Time Ms

    Enter the inventory planning lead time.

    Min Safety Stock

    Enter the minimum safety stock.

    Max Safety Stock

    Enter the maximum safety stock.

    Min Safety Stock Days

    Enter the minimum safety stock in days.

    Max Safety Stock Days

    Enter the maximum safety stock in days.

    Effective Start Date for Min/Max Safety Stock

    Enter the effective start date for the minimum and maximum safety stock levels, or click the calendar icon to select the effective start date.

    Effective End Date for Min/Max Safety Stock

    Enter the effective end date for the minimum and maximum safety stock levels, or click the calendar icon to select the effective end date.

    Fcst Demand Ratio Min

    Enter the forecast demand ratio minimum.

    Fcst Demand Ratio Max

    Enter the forecast demand ratio maximum.

    Pre Supply Whse Inv Days

    Enter the pre-supply warehouse inventory in days.

    Stratification Code

    Select the stratification code from the dropdown list.

    Critical Service Level

    Select the checkbox to identify this buffer as having a critical service level.

    Holding Cost Percent Per Month

    Enter the holding cost percent per month.

    Max Change of Safety Stock in Percentage

    Enter the maximum change of safety stock in percentage.

    Currency Conversion

    Enter the currency conversion.

  6. Click the Update button.
    A green success message displays