Transactions List

This topic describes how users can see all customs-related transactions and take action on them.

Complete the following to use the Transaction Lists screen:

  1. L og in to the ONE system.

  2. Click Menus/Favs > Customs > Transactions List.
    The Transactions List screen appears with a list of all customs transactions and related shipments.


  3. Click a Customs Transaction link to see transaction details.
    The customs transaction details screen appears.

  4. Click a Shipment link to see shipment details.
    The shipment details screen appears.

  5. Click the Export to CSV button to export the report to a CSV file.

Complete the following steps to perform actions on transactions:

  1. Select one or more rows and click the Actions button.

  2. Select one of the following actions:

    • Disable/Restore: Select the Disable action to prevent the transaction from automatically updating and exclude it from processing . Transactions can be re-enabled at any time with the Restore action; restored transactions are not updated until the next automatic update or a manual update.

    • Refresh: Select this action to manually force the given transaction to update with current data.

    • Prepare For Approval: Select this action to move the transaction to the ReadyForApproval state.

    • Approve: Select a transaction in the ReadyForApproval state to approve the transaction and move it to the Approved state.

    • Amend: Select this action to amend an approved transaction.

    • Update: Select this action to manually update fields for a transaction.

  3. Select Submit in the popup.
    A success message appears.