
The One Network SDK provides the means to create a role-driven menu for your modules. A sample menu appears below. The menu may appear in a pane on the left side of the application or along the top as you'd find in a traditional desktop application. The advantage to these layouts is one of real estate vs. menu size. If you use the menu configured along the top of the application, it doesn't take as much space as the left-hand menu bar would. However, if your menu is long and contains a lot of elements, the efficacy of that menu is limited by the amount of horizontal space afforded by your user's browser environment.

The basic building block of a menu is called a Web Action. As you might imagine, this type of node configures some actionable elements for your menu. Web Actions can be grouped together, allowing for a hierarchical menu structure where actions may be displayed categorically. This is done using Web Action Groups. Every menu aspect may be restricted based on a user's role. This is handled using the RoleTypeUiConfig element. We'll discuss these elements in turn, along with specialized entries such as separators, the Home button, singleton tabs, etc.