Role Type Menus

Up until this point, we have only defined the reusable components which make up a menu system. Through the RoleTypeUiConfig element, we can define the menu system for a given role type, as shown in the following example:

<!-- menu actions.... -->
<!-- menu action groups ... -->
<WebActionGroupRef name="Sample Menu"/>
<WebActionGroupRef name="Sample module menu" module="MOD"/>
<WebActionGroup name="Another Menu">
<WebActionRef name="Another Action"/>

As the example shows, a RoleTypeUiConfig element consists of WebActionGroupRefs and in-line WebActionGroups. The WebActionGroupRef refers to a WebActionGroup where the module attribute can be used to refer to a group defined in an MPT, as with a ModuleActionRef.

The RoleTypeUiConfig element takes the following optional attributes:

  • menuType: Either 'menu' or 'tree'. Defaults to 'menu'. A value of 'tree' will generate a left-hand navigation tree, whereas a value of 'menu' produces a menu above the desktop tab panel.

  • titleKey: An optional message bundle key for the title of the browser window.

In this example, we are referencing the intrinsic role type, PRO_BUYER, but we could also use the CustomRoleTypeName element to reference a module-defined role.