Available Policies from the Search Policies Screen

The ONE system allows users to set policies via the UI under the Administration menu. The following sections on this page list all available policies per tab on the Search Policies screen. Note that depending on the policy settings, not all users will see all policy categories (tabs).

For more information, see the following pages as well:




ASN Confirm And Ship

If this policy is set, the ASN will move from Draft to In-transit state upon Confirm and Ship action.

ASN Confirm And Ship For DO

Support Confirm And Ship action from the ASN page for deployment orders.

Create Hold When Critical Fields Updated On Order

If this policy is enabled, a change in the order's delivery date will result in a hold on the shipment. If this is enabled along with the Allow Update In Fulfillment policy as collaborative and the Delivery Schedule state is open, then the related Delivery Schedule will be eligible for an update on the linked shipment.

Synch Shipment

If this policy is enabled, any changes on specific fields of the order will be reflected in the shipment. The following fields are the fields that are updated on the shipment: Request Quantity, Request Date, Item, Ship To Site, and the collaborative fields set using the Enhanced Order Fields For Collaboration policy.

Update Past Dates on Shipment

If this policy is enabled, shipments with ship or delivery dates in the past will be updated to the current date. If the policy value is False, the past date will remain as it is on the shipment.

Advanced Replenishment Engine



Item Batch Size For Get Data Measure PGRP Level

Item batch size to be used by the Get All Data measure API when invoked for Product Group Level. The policy value is provided to adjust the batch size as per performance. By default, 500 is the batch size.

Replenishment Sourcing Strategy

This flag enables a split order forecast as per the sourcing policy set on the buffer.




Use Planning Task As Input

By default, alerts that run against past completed task data use a materialized view. Set this flag to True to run against the transaction data instead. This is useful when the data is recently loaded and the materialized view has not yet been updated.

View Global Job Status Icon

Set this flag to True to enable the display of the job status icon in the global sidebar.

Allocation Engine



Allocation Time Bucket Offset

Allocation Time Bucket Offset

Allocation Time Bucket Size

Allocation Time Bucket Size

Allocation Time Priority Based On Ship Time

Allocation Time Priority Based On Ship Time

Allocation Time Push

Allocation Time Push

Order Allocation Read Awaiting Approval Order Forecasts

If True, then Production Order Forecasts in the Awaiting Approval state are also considered. This flag also needs the Order Allocation Read Order Forecasts flag to be set to True to work.

Order Allocation Read New Orders

This flag is used to control Production Orders that are considered as Supply. If set to True, new production orders are considered; else, only open orders are considered.

Order Allocation Read Order Forecasts

If True, production order forecasts in an approved state are read and used for allocation.

Order Allocation Sql Def

Order Allocation engine subnet SQL name

Order Allocation SQL Group

Order Allocation engine subnet SQL group name

Sourcing Priority Objective Fair Share Step

Sourcing Priority Objective Fair Share Step

Write BOF Allocation

This policy determines whether to write the allocation plan or not.

Assemble State Config



Assign Assemble Work Initial State

The assembly work order will be created with the initial state selected by the policy. This provides the option to create a work order in Draft or New state and accept/reject the state later.

Close Assemble Work After State

When the user defines the state for this policy, the work order is closed after this state.

Start Assemble Work After State

When this policy is enabled and the assembly type work order is under execution, the start work action is enabled after the state defined by this policy. Users can add tasks and task parts at this stage.




Allow Auto Assembling

If Active, then BOM structure items will be assembled automatically using an appropriate algorithm. All required lots and singletons will be created dynamically by the system.

Auto Approve Assembly Work Order

If Active, then the assembly work order will be auto-approved by the system unless there are pending authorizations.

Auto Approve Disassemble Work Order

If active, then Disassemble work order will be auto-approved by the system unless there are pending authorizations.

Partially Complete Work Order

If active, then a partial work order is released.

Require Component Buffer For Assembly

If True, then the algorithm will use buffers for component items on the bill of materials lookup during assembly.

Require Component Buffer For Kitting

If True, then the algorithm will use buffers for component items on the bill of materials lookup during kitting.

Require Component Buffer For Production

If True, then the algorithm will use buffers for component items on the bill of materials lookup during production.




Enable Attributes on Report

This policy enables the display of attribute schema fields on reports that support them.

Bill of Materials



Enforce BOM Site Association

This policy indicates whether BOM site association creation is enforced on BOM creation.

Bucketized Order Forecast



BOF Promise Quantity Lower Than Request Quantity By X Percentages

This policy is used to generate issues against BOF. If the promised quantity is lower than the requested quantity by X%, then the system will generate an issue, and the buyer can subscribe to an alert. The value should be in the range of 0 to 100; otherwise, it will be ignored.

BOF Request Quantity Higher Than Promise Quantity By X Percentages

This policy is used to generate issues against BOF. If the requested quantity is higher than the promised quantity by X%, then the system will generate an issue, and the vendor can subscribe to an alert. The value should be in the range of 0 to 100; otherwise, it will be ignored.

Bucketized Forecast Policy

This policy determines the way bucketized order forecasts are handled.

Email Notification

This policy allows Enterprise Admin users to turn on/off the email notifications for bucketized order forecasts (BOF) actions and state changes for buyer and vendor users. Enterprise Admin users can change the policy to enable or disable email notifications for an enterprise; however, the policy is disabled with no emails by default. Instead, users subscribe to alerts and report notifications for updates.

Generate Split Week Compatible Records

When set to True, this policy allows default split logic to be applied when BOF records are created on the BOF engine run.

Plan Proposed Quantities

If this flag is enabled, the Buyer or Vendor will have to set the proposed request and promise quantities first.

Buffer Lane



Enable Check For Buffers

If the value is set to True, a buffer lane creation or update will check the presence of the Ship To buffer and Ship From buffer.

CDT Engine Policies



Capacity Issue Computation Duration

By default, this duration is used to compute the site resource capacity issues. The workflow calculates capacity issues from the current week's start date to the duration set in the policy. If the policy value is not set, then by default, months are considered for issue computation.

CDY API Engine Config

Fully Qualified Engine name for TLVs for Constrained Demand Translation Engine.

Constrained Consumed Capacity As Used Capacity

If yes, then Used Capacity DM should have values as per Constrained Consumed Capacity.

Constrained Item Source

This policy sets the source for fetching constrained items for the Multi Buffer Constrained Item TLV.

Contract Number Policy

This policy dictates the contract number format.

Date Range Policy In Month

This policy value is used for setting the End Date of TLV.

Default Capacity Contract Search Duration

This policy value is used for setting the effective end date of the capacity contract.

Do Not Use Business Days

If this flag is True while calculating the lead time for raw materials, calendar days would be counted even if a business calendar is present.

Line Capacity Utilization Config Name

Policy to associate an issue configuration to the enterprise.

Capacity Constraint Policies



Contract Number Policy

This policy explains the Contract Number Format.

Default Capacity Contract Search Duration

This policy value is used for setting the effective end date of the capacity contract.

Line Capacity Utilization Config Name

Policy to associate an issue config to an enterprise.




Auto Acknowledge Claim On Zero Total

If this policy is set, then the system will automatically move the claim to the Open state when the total is zero.




Auto Generate Claims on Violation

Enable this flag to consider the buying organization while auto-generating claims based on contract rules.

BO Expiring Soon Threshold

This policy dictates the number of days before a blanket order's effective end date when it will be considered to be about to expire. The blanket order will be considered to be expiring soon if

(Effective end date - threshold days) < sysdate

BO Line Exhausting Soon Threshold Percent

Percentage threshold that will determine when a Blanket Order Line is about to be over-consumed. The line is considered to be over-consumed if the

ordered qty > total max qty* (threshold percentage/100)

Blanket Order Number Prefix

Prefix for the generated Blanket Order Number. The policy is applicable to the buying organization of the Blanket Order. The default is to have no prefixes.

Contract Line Exhausting Soon Threshold Percent

Percentage threshold that will determine when a Contract Line is about to be over-consumed. The line is considered to be over-consumed if

ordered qty > total max qty* (threshold percentage/100)

Contract Number Prefix

Prefix for the generated Contract Number. The policy is applicable to the buying organization of the Contract. The default is to have no prefixes.

Contract Terms Expiring Soon Threshold

The number of days before a standard contract term's effective end date when it will be considered to be about to expire. Terms will be considered to be expiring soon if

(Effective end date - threshold days) < sysdate

Perform Contract Netting

If this policy is enabled, orders are considered for Contract netting. Otherwise, Contract netting is not performed. The default value is True.




Reserve Inventory only for Crossdock Items

If active, then an inventory reservation will be made only for an item being cross-docked if there is no active issue inventory,

Cycle Counting



Allow Automatic Discrepancies Updates On Authorize

If True, the discrepancies will be automatically updated when the authorization record is confirmed.

Allow Delete Line After Complete Counting

If enabled, then the system will allow the cycle count line to be deleted after counting is complete and the cycle count is either in Discrepancy Review or Review Completed state.

Auto Apply Cycle Count Adjustments

If active, then the system automatically calls the Apply Adjustments action on the cycle count once all related Inventory Discrepancies are approved. The action is called with the same user context that approved the last Inventory Discrepancy.

Auto Approve Cycle Count Plan

Allows users to select which type(s) of Cycle Count Plans are automatically approved right after creation. Approval is executed with the same user context that created the Plan.

Auto Re-Count for Rejected Inventory Discrepancy

If active, then the system will automatically call Recount action on the cycle count when the last related Inventory Discrepancy is either Approved or Rejected, provided there is at least one Rejected Inventory Discrepancy. The action is called using the same user context that approved or rejected the last Inventory Discrepancy.

Auto Start Fixed Cycle Count Plan

If enabled, then the Fixed-Date Cycle Count Plans automatically generate Cycle Count records as soon as they are Approved.

Auto Submit Cycle Count

If enabled, then the Cycle Count is automatically submitted when the Create action is called. This means the Draft state is effectively bypassed. The Submit action is called using the same user context that called the Create action.

Deny Cycle Count Line Update with Approved Discrepancy

If enabled, then once the Inventory Discrepancy is approved on the Cycle Count line, the user will no longer be able to update the line. Otherwise, updating the Cycle Count line will cancel the Inventory Discrepancy.

Enforce Different Users For Recount

If enabled, there should be no duplicate users among all cycle counting attempts.

Max Recount Attempts

The maximum number of times a recounting can be executed on a given Cycle Count transaction. If the policy is not set, then the system should support an unbounded number of recounting attempts.

Min Number of Assigned Users

The number of assigned users is validated against the policy at the Counting In Progress stage; an error is produced in the case when not enough users have been assigned to Cycle Counting Execution. If the Policy is not set, any number of assigned users is allowed (including no users).

Min Recount Attempts

The minimum number of times a recounting can be executed on a given Cycle Count transaction before discrepancy approval or reconcile can happen. If the policy is unset or 0, then the number of recount attempts is not bounded.

Release Inventory Without Discrepancy

If enabled, the system will automatically initiate Release Inventory action upon completing cycle counting. Release Inventory will unlock all inventory for which there was no related inventory discrepancy.

Demand Planning UI Policies



Bucket Transform

This policy defines which PLT bucket transformer is used to show monthly data as weekly data. Valid values include:

  • By Duration: Disaggregate value in proportion to the time duration of each bucket

  • By Duration Rounded Favor First: Disaggregate value in proportion to the time duration of each bucket. If the value is a fraction, then the value is rounded, and added the fractions into the first bucket.

  • By Duration Rounded Favor Last: Disaggregate value in proportion to the time duration of each bucket. If the value is a fraction, then the value is rounded, and added the fractions into the last bucket.

  • Fair Share: Split value equally into all buckets

  • Fair Share Rounded Favor First: Split value equally into all buckets by rounding off in the first bucket.

  • Fair Share Rounded Favor Last: Split value equally into all buckets by rounding off in the last bucket.

  • First: Put all data into the first bucket

  • Last: Put all data into the last bucket

Default Timeline Bucketization

This policy defines the default timeline setting on several screens (daily, weekly, monthly, fiscal weekly, fiscal monthly).

FAC Output Forecast Total Buckets

This policy enables the user to select the default value for Total Forecast Buckets in the Forecast Algorithm Competition Output.

Forecast Book Chart Extended Horizon In Number Of Buckets

The policy adds an additional number of buckets to be retrieved before and after the TLV retrieval start and end date. For example, if the TLV shows 2 buckets and the Forecast Book Chart Extended Horizon In Buckets =3, then the graph will show 8 buckets (3 before and 3 after).

Forecast Book To Render

This policy defines which forecast book to render (regular or forecast book by attribute) on TLV item hyperlinks.

Forecast Bucket Used For Monthly

Bucketization type to be used to aggregate forecast data monthly. Expected values are daily, weekly, and monthly. The default is monthly.

  • Weekly: If the user selects monthly for the bucketization, then the weekly forecasts are aggregated to monthly.

  • Daily: If the user selects monthly for the bucketization, then the daily forecasts are aggregated to monthly.

  • Monthly: Monthly is the default value and shows monthly forecasts.

Forecast Bucket Used For Weekly

Bucketization type to be used to aggregate forecast data weekly. Expected values are daily and weekly. The default is weekly.

  • Daily: If the user selects Weekly for the bucketization, then daily forecasts will be aggregated to weekly.

  • Weekly: Weekly is the default value and shows weekly forecasts.

Show Order Forecasts In Forecast Book

If True, then the forecast book will show the order forecast's data measures.

Use Exact Geo Group On TLV

The policy defines how to apply the Geo group filter when reading forecasts and history. If True, then the UI should read the forecast and history at the same level. If False, then the UI should read the forecast and history from the same and children levels.

Use Multi-Dimensional Item Price

When enabled, u sers can create and manage multi-dimensional item prices and item price overrides that apply to item-site group-partner site combinations. This policy defaults to False.

Dashboard Filters



Default Capacity Type

This policy sets the default Capacity Type for Capacity Management UIs.

Default Customer

This policy sets the preferred customer for the enterprise.

Default Demand Type

This policy sets the default Demand Type for Capacity Management UIs.

Default Plan Horizon

This policy sets the default planning horizon in months to be set across dashboards.

Default Product Group Type

This policy sets the default product group type for the enterprise.

Default Site Group Type

This policy sets the default site group type for the enterprise.




Databot Questions Per Page

This policy defines the number of questions displayed per page for databots.

Demand Forecast



Ignore Aggregated Forecast

If True, this policy ignores read-only demand forecasts that have a disaggregated value as 1.

Demand Supply Policies



Consider All Resource Items

If set to True, this policy specifies that all resource items are considered when calculating required capacity.

Deployment Order



Allow Cancel for Intransit Order For DO

If this policy is enabled, then the buyer can cancel a deployment order in an Intransit state.

Allow Collaboration On Cancel For DO

If this policy is enabled, then a buyer needs a vendor's (shipper's) approval to cancel an order.

Allow Order Fulfillment For Deployment Order

If this policy is enabled, a deployment order can create fulfillment orders as part of the Order Brokering process.

Auto Acknowledge On Time-Lapsed Mode

Auto-acknowledge the order in New state on time-lapse.

Auto Acknowledge Tolerance

This policy is used along with the Auto Acknowledge On Time-Lapsed policy. The policy value decides the number of business days after which the deployment order is automatically accepted or rejected. Approval or rejection depends on OMS.AutoAckOnTimeLapsedMode.

Auto Create Fulfillment Order

Set the order type for fulfillment order creation. When Deployment Order or Purchase Order is selected, fulfillment orders are automatically created from the selected order type for deployment orders.

Compute Planned Shipping Cost

If this policy is enabled, the planned shipping cost is computed for deployment orders based on the price computation variant defined on the site-lane-trans-mode.

Consignee Order Acceptance

The policy is used to accept a deployment order automatically. The policy supports the following options that determine the end-state behavior after auto-accept:

  • Accept to New - Automatic consignee approval of the order.

  • Accept to New-Open and Allow Change - Automatic consignee approval of the order, auto-accept any change by the shipper and allow consignee collaboration.

  • Accept to New-Open and Disallow Change - Automatic consignee approval of the order, auto-accept any change by the shipper, and do not allow consignee collaboration.

  • Accept to Open and Allow Change - Auto-accept any change by the shipper and allow consignee collaboration.

  • Accept to Open and Disallow Change - Auto-accept any change by the shipper and do not allow consignee collaboration.

Enable Collaboration For DO

If this policy is set to True, then collaboration is allowed for deployment orders. (Note: Site-level settings for this policy are ignored in the auto-acknowledgment engine.)

Enable PreASN Static Route For DO

If this policy is enabled, deployment orders can be assigned to a static route during the preASN creation process. The shipment number policy will be ignored because a static route shipment will use the route number as part of the shipment number.

Expedite Deployment Order Stocking Check Mode

This policy controls the stocking check used to determine if a deployment order is viable as a prescription for the Expedite Order workbench.

Item Info Attributes Deployment Order

Attributes selected will be displayed in the item information popup for DOs.

Mask Price for DO


Quantity Tolerance For DO

This policy takes a comma-separated value for the quantity tolerance percentages on deployment orders. The first value is the minimum quantity tolerance percentage, and the second value is the maximum. For example, a value of 10,20 outlines 10%-20% as the range for the quantity tolerance. For quantity 100, any value 90 (100*10%) -120 (100*20%) will be accepted without collaboration.

Reopen Rejected Deployment Order

If this policy is enabled, deployment order schedules that are in a Shipper Reject state can be reopened. The order state will be decided by collaboration values. If the collaborated values are different from the request, then the order state will be Shipper Change Requested. Otherwise, the order state is Open.

Shipper Order Acceptance

If this policy is enabled, the shipper can accept a deployment order.

Default Overreceiving Tolerance, % (Deployment Orders)

This policy sets a default over-receiving tolerance in percent, specific to deployment orders.

Default Underreceiving Tolerance, % (Deployment Orders)

This policy sets a default under-receiving tolerance in percent, specific to deployment orders.

Disconnected Operations



Generate Disconnected Pick Requests

Set to True to automatically generate, modify, or delete disconnected pick requests when picklists are inserted, modified, or deleted.

Engine Policies



Enable DDMC Incremental Planning

If True, DDMC in incremental planning will be enabled. Otherwise, it is disabled.

Populate Actual In Distinct Fields

If True, then the actual quantity on SccDfHistory will be populated in distinct columns as per the forecast source. Otherwise, it will be populated in the Actual Quantity column.

Write Data Override

If True, write data override record for corresponding override action.

Write Engine Task Failure

If True, then all demand planning engine task failures will be written as Engine Task Failures.

Enhanced Order



Accept User Provided Unit Price

If this policy is set, the user-provided unit price and price per will be populated on the order instead of picking the unit price from the master data.

Allow Fulfillment Order to Auto Sync

If this policy is enabled, a parent order is automatically updated when updates are made to a fulfillment order during order brokering.

Allow Fulfillment Order to Create New DS

If this policy is enabled, order brokering cases with updates to a fulfillment order will allow the delivery schedule of the source order to be split into multiple delivery schedules to align with fulfillment order schedules.

Allow Update In Fulfillment

Determines if an order is allowed to be updated while in fulfillment states. Defaults to False, indicating updates are not allowed. The policy supports the following options:

  • Collaborative: After fulfillment, any change to the order will need collaboration.

  • Non-Collaborative: After fulfillment, any change to the order will be accepted, and the order state will remain as it is. An exception is the delivery date, in which case the existing shipment will be canceled, and the order moves to an Open state.

Auto-accept policies take precedence over this policy. The Collaborative option is mutually exclusive if the policy for auto-accept is set for both the buyer and the vendor.

Allow Zero Request Quantity

If this policy is enabled, a zero value is accepted as a request quantity.

Buyer Planner Driver

Fully Qualified Class Name of the Driver class for the Buyer Planner Workbench. This class is responsible for deciding what kind of prescriptions are generated for the workbench and which renderers are used on the UI for those prescriptions.

Converted Quantity UOM

If this policy is enabled, the order displays a field to capture the order quantity in a different unit of measurement (UOM). For example, an order is displayed in kgs, but the user wants to view it in lbs. A UOM conversion between Qty UOM and the Converted UOM should exist for this policy to be effective.

Enable Buyer Collaboration Per DS

If this policy is enabled, the buyer will be allowed to collaborate and edit quantities at the delivery schedule level. This policy is supported for purchase orders (POs) and for deployment orders (DOs). For this policy to be effective for DOs, the Enable Collaboration For DO policy should also be enabled.

Enable Production Order Creation

If this policy is enabled, then the vendor can create or cancel production orders from a purchase order.

Enforce Buyer Collaboration Reason Code

This policy decides if the buyer user should be enforced to provide a reason code while initiating a change request.

Enforce Vendor Tolerance Deviation Code

If this policy is enabled, the vendor is required to choose a tolerance deviation reason code on the Promise/Confirm action. This requirement is applicable for the following violations: Promise Tolerance Qty, Early Delivery Tolerance, and Late Delivery Tolerance.

Configured Collaborative Fields

If the policy is configured with field names, then collaboration is enabled for the configured fields. The configured fields are a comma-separated list of fields. (For example, UnitPrice, IncoDate, MinItemExpiryDate.)

Expedite Order Driver

Fully Qualified Class Name of the Driver class for the Expedite Order Workbench. This class is responsible for deciding what kind of prescriptions are generated for the workbench and which renderers are used on the UI for those prescriptions.

Line Number Separator

Inline numbers, it is used to define a level separator for BOM parent/child components in the hierarchy. The default separator is a dash (-). For example, 001-2-1 would represent the BOM component of a parent BOM kit item with a child BOM kit component.

Order Confirmation Tolerance Value

It will be used in analytics to get the orders which were confirmed within the tolerance.

Order Line Number Format

The policy specifies the format for the order line number.

  • Default - %1$03d - Pads the order line number to have three digits with leading zeros if necessary.

  • Plain - %d - Shows the line number as it is without any leading zeros.

Order States Config For Chevrons

The configuration will store the order states configuration for chevrons on the order coordinator workbench.

Order Update Alert Field Provider

The policy is used to customize the fields that generate an alert when using the Order Update alert. The policy specifies the fully qualified class name of a subclass of Field Provider. The subclass defines the fields that will be checked for equality in the Order Update Alert computation. If not present, the policy defaults to the original Field Provider value.

Populate Bill-To Address Based on Ship-To Site

If this policy is enabled, the Bill To address will be populated as per the contact on the Ship To site if the contact is set as BILLTO+CONTACTNAME. Otherwise, the Bill To address will be populated as per buying org. This is applicable for POs and DOs.

Receive All Customer Alerts

If this policy is True, then the system ignores the customer filter while generating Enhanced Order alerts.

Tax Provider

If this policy is enabled, the tax provider is used to compute the tax on an order and auto-populate it on the invoice for the order. The default is an empty value that does not compute the tax. The policy shows an enumerated list of predefined tax providers.

Vendor Reject On Zero Promise

If this policy is enabled, the system will move the order state to Vendor Reject when the promised quantity is zero. This policy supports purchase orders, sales orders, and deployment orders.

Time Period To Auto-Close Received Orders

The time period value after which the time-based workflow will close the received orders.

Turn Off System Email Notification for Orders

If enabled, turns off auto email on all order types. Supported at the Enterprise and Organization level.

Auto-Populate Promise Fields

If the policy is enabled, when a promised value is not entered for an order in a New state, the system will populate the Promise field with the requested value. The default value is True.

Workbench PIV Mode

Controls the PIV that is shown on the Buyer Planner Workbench and Expedite Order Workbench.

Duration in Received State Before Auto-Closing

Sets the duration an order stays in the Received state before auto-closing.

Enable TMS by Ship To Site

When active, this policy enables the Integrated TMS shipment workflow at the site level. If no Ship To Site is defined, the system reverts to the policy set at the organization level.

External Reference



Client ID

Client ID to get Access Token for Publish Relocation Rest Call.

Client Secret

Client secret of getting Access Token for Publish Relocation Rest Call.

Long Term Planning Horizon

The planning horizon of long-term optimization engines. Used to calculate the end date of optimization duration (in months).

Medium Term Planning Horizon

The planning horizon of medium-term optimization engines. Used to calculate the end date of optimization duration (in weeks).

Publish Relocation Path

Base URL to publish relocation.

Access Token Path

Publish relocation access token path.

Generic State Configuration



Auto Approve Child Work Order

If the policy is enabled, the system auto-starts and completes the parent-level tasks that are associated with child work order(s).

Auto Create Child Work Order

If the policy is enabled, the system auto-creates the child work order for the Repair lot-controlled items.

Auto Create Work Order Task

If the policy is enabled, the system auto-explodes the task for a lot-controlled repair work order.

Auto Save Tasks On State

This policy enables users to repair lot-controlled items during the repair work order. Once enabled the system populates a task that allows users to initiate and complete the repairs of a selected quantity of lot items.

Complete Parent Task On Work Complete

If the policy is enabled, the system auto-completes the parent work order task.

Generic State Config For Initial State

Generic Work State Config

Select the states which should be excluded from work order execution.

History Read Policies



Aggregated Orders Read By Site

This policy defines how to apply a site filter when reading an order history. Possible values include:

  • Outbound: site filter should be applied to the order Ship From field

  • Inbound: site filter should be applied to the order Ship To field (default value)

Order Read By Site

This policy defines how to apply a site filter when reading an order history. Possible values include:

  • Outbound: site filter should be applied to the order Ship From field

  • Inbound: site filter should be applied to the order Ship To field (default value)




Enable CGW Sync

Enables synchronization to Carrier gateway instance.

Integration Policies



Default DF State Daily

Defines the default initial forecast state when uploading demand forecast for daily bucketization.

Default DF State Fiscal Monthly

Defines default initial forecast state when uploading demand forecast for a fiscal monthly bucketization.

Default DF State Monthly

Defines default initial forecast state when uploading demand forecast for monthly bucketization.

Default DF State Weekly

Defines default initial forecast state when uploading demand forecast for weekly bucketization.

Demand Forecast IB Split Monthly To Weekly

If True, then input monthly forecasts will be split into weekly bucketization.

Deman Forecast OB Aggregate Weekly To Monthly

If the policy value is True, then the forecast takes weekly values and aggregates them to monthly values. If the value is False, then values are directly read as monthly values from the database.




Auto Pin Received Inventory

If active, the inventory policy is status distinguishable and for the received order test result has been created, the init inventory pin on the test quantity and change inventory status to ONHOLD thru inventory attribute change operation.

Auto receive personal inventory

If active, then the person attribute will be propagated to the receipt line automatically if the order's issue to a person's field value is not empty.

Auto Split Inventory Mode

If active, then the inventory will be automatically split into parts depending on the available inventory quantity. Otherwise, all chosen inventory records will be added to the result for further editing manually.

Compute Location Inventory Metrics

Defines what inventory metrics will be computed automatically by the system.

Empty Location Temperature Range Check

The policy controls system behavior in the case when the location does not have a defined temperature range, and the inventory Item - does. If set to Strict, then the system will avoid storing the inventory in such locations. If set to Lenient, then such locations will be used for storage with lower priority.

No Physical Inventory Mode

The policy enables using WMS multi-level models with integrated workflow and visibility but without inventory operations and inventory.

Prohibit Phantom Inventory

If active, then creating negative inventory is prohibited.

Inventory Discrepancy



Approved Inventory Discrepancy Rejection

This policy governs rejection of already approved inventory discrepancy:

  • Allow: Will not restrict rejection. This is the default value.

  • Allow with reason code: Will not allow rejection unless Reject Reason Code is provided.

  • Deny: Will not allow rejection regardless of whether there is a Reject Reason Code.

Inventory Discrepancy Reconcile Algorithm

Specifies what implementation of Inventory Discrepancy Reconcile Algorithm will be used for reconciling inventory discrepancies. Defaults to Standard.

Inventory Move



Allow Change To Location

If active, then allow the user to change the To Location upon inventory move order check-in/check-out.

Allow Post Approval Updates

This policy allows post-approval updates for inventory move orders if the value is True.

Auto Transfer to WIP Location

If active, then picked inventories will move to the WIP location after closing the picklist.

Inventory Planning Settings



IP Config Fields Report Records Limit

This field sets the maximum number of records to show on the IP Config Fields report.


Specify attribute schema, which will be applied to all items under my enterprises.


Attribute Name which will be recognized by MEIO engine and MEIO data sanity check functionality. Attribute should belong to attribute schema specified for inventory planning.


Attribute Name which will be recognized by the MEIO engine and MEIO data sanity check functionality. The attribute should belong to the attribute schema specified for inventory planning.


Attribute Name which will be recognized by the MEIO engine and MEIO data sanity check functionality. The attribute should belong to the attribute schema specified for inventory planning.


Attribute Name which will be recognized by the MEIO engine and MEIO data sanity check functionality. The attribute should belong to the attribute schema specified for inventory planning.


Attribute Name which will be recognized by the MEIO engine and MEIO data sanity check functionality. The attribute should belong to the attribute schema specified for inventory planning.


Site Weight Capacity UOM for capacity values computation


Site Volume Capacity UOM for capacity values computation


Site Weight Capacity UOM for capacity values computation

Inventory Sharing



Share All InventoriesWithAllHospitals

Share inventories with all Customer Master Partners.

Share All Inventories With All Manufacturers

Share inventories with all Vendor Master Partners.

Share All Inventories With All Orchestrators

Share inventories with all 3PL partners.

Share All Inventories With All Vendors

Share inventories with all Vendor Master Partners.

Share All Inventories With Non Partner Orgs

Share Inventories with non-partner organizations.

Share All Inventories With Specific Hospitals

Share Inventories with my Customer Master partners.

Share All Inventories With Specific Manufacturers

Share Inventories with my Vendor Master partners.

Share All Inventories With Specific Orchestrators

Share Inventories with my 3PL partners.

ShareAll Inventories With Specific Vendors

Share Inventories with my Vendor Master partners.

Inventory Visibility



PIV Advanced Data Measures

Additional data measure to show the DOH (days on-hand) or DOS (Days of Supply) for the projected inventory.

PIV Buffer Level for DC PIV

PIV buffer level that will be used as the default filter value for all PIV types.

PIV Buffer Level for Material PIV

PIV buffer level that will be used as the default filter value for all PIV types.

PIV Buffer Level for Plant FG PIV

PIV buffer level that will be used as the default filter value for all PIV types.

Run Replenishment From PIV

Shows an option to run the replenishment engine for PIV.

Show Blanket Order Shipments

If active, the system will show shipments created without order but linked to the Blanket Contract (Blanket Order).

Show Replenishment Analysis Data Measures On PIV

If active, the system will add replenishment analysis data measures to PIVs.




Auto Generate Invoice Reference No

If this policy is set to True, invoice reference numbers will be autogenerated; otherwise, invoice reference numbers will have to be set manually. The default is True.

Auto Invoice Number Prefix

This policy defines the prefix to be added to the auto-generated invoice number created by the system.

Auto Compute Tax

If this policy is enabled, the system will automatically compute tax based on the Tax Provider configured and add it to the Invoice Line Detail for deployment order invoices.

Auto Invoice

The Auto Invoice Policy is used to enable or disable the functionality to automatically create an invoice for deployment orders depending on the Invoice Active Code policy.

Auto OK to Pay

If this policy is enabled, the system will automatically move a deployment order invoice from Valid to Ok to Pay state.

Invoice Active Code

Invoice Active Code determines when the invoice can be automatically created. If the policy value is Active On Ship, then invoices are allowed to be created when the order is shipped. If the value is Active On Receipt, then invoices can be created when the order is received. If the value is Consignment, then invoices will be generated automatically for received orders at a predefined schedule.

Invoice Line Amt Tolerance

The policy is used during the validation of invoices for deployment orders. The policy defines the invoice line amount tolerance allowed on the invoice for a deployment order. For example, a value of 0.05% allows the invoices to be valid when the invoice amount is within 0.05% of the order value.

Invoice Line Qty Tolerance

The policy is used during the validation of invoices for deployment orders. The policy defines the invoice line quantity tolerance allowed on the invoice for a deployment order. For example, a value of 0.05% allows the invoices to be valid when the invoice quantity is within 0.05% of the order quantity.

Invoice Unit Price Tolerance

Set the invoice unit price tolerance as a percentage of the invoice for deployment orders. For example, set the invoice unit price tolerance value as 0.05%.

Allow Discount On Freight

If this policy is enabled, the freight discount is allowed on the invoice line type Freight for deployment orders.

Allow Discount On Fuel

If this policy is enabled, the fuel discount is allowed on invoice line type Fuel for deployment orders.

Allow Discount On Product

If this policy is enabled, the product discount is allowed on invoice line-type product for deployment orders.

Allow Discount On Service

If this policy is enabled, the service discount is allowed on invoice line type Service for deployment orders.

Allow Discount On Tax

If this policy is enabled, the tax discount is allowed on invoice line type Tax for deployment orders.

Tax Allowed

If this policy is enabled, users can add a tax-type invoice line and line detail for a deployment order invoice. If this policy is disabled, users cannot add a tax-type invoice line or invoice line detail.




Item Attribute Schema

Specify attribute schema, which will be applied to all items under the user's enterprises.

Enable Item Attribute Field

If the value is set to True, then integration will consider item attributes in inbound and outbound interfaces; otherwise, item attributes will be omitted.

Item Validation Batch Size

Specifies the maximum number of items that will be processed in a single batch (task) during item validation.

Item Validation Enabled

Indicates whether or not item validation is enabled.

Item Group Association



Deactivate Multiple Item Group Association

Policy to deactivate the existing item-product group level association when the item is associated with a second product group level. The default (False) indicates that no check will be performed on the new item. Set to True to deactivate the item from other parts of the hierarchy when the new item is inserted.

Hide Remove On Product Hierarchy Report

Policy to Hide/Disable remove on product hierarchies report.

License Plate Number



LPN Default Type

The default type of license plate number.

LPN Next Number

The next number of the license plate number unique identifier.

LPN Prefix

The prefix of the license plate number unique identifier.

LPN Suffix

The suffix of the license plate number unique identifier.

Load Consolidation TOSX




The default absolute tolerance for a multi-objective is 0.

Aggregation Only

Restricts the algorithm to only producing direct movements without intermediate stops.

Aggregation Only Pct

The default value is 60%. The likelihood algorithm calls will only create direct movements.


The algorithm is used to store the core algorithm being used for Movement Generation. The default is Saving Algorithm Cost. For the use of Saving Algorithm, Saving Algorithm Time. Also refer to the percentage parameterS: Cost Obj Pct, Dist Obj Pct, and Time Obj Pct.

Allow Multi Movement Pct

The default value is 100. The likelihood algorithm calls will allow multi-movements to be created.

Cost Obj Pct

The default value is 75%. The cost parameters measure the quality of a sequence. Cost, Distance, and Time parameter values should add up to 100%.

Dist Obj Pct

The default value is 15%. Refer to Cost Obj Pct for description.

Do Not Schedule OPP Parent Through Pool Point

Do not schedule the OPP parent through pool point

Enable Nearest Sort

This policy enables or disables the nearest sort. The default value is False.

Execute Only Static Route Optimization

Execute only static route optimization. The default value is False.

First Iter Prop

The policy dictates the maximum runtime proportion allocated to the first pass of the solver. The default is 65%.

Generate Backup Solution Prop

The default is 18%. The maximum percentage of time allocated to Generate Backup strategy out of Movement Generation Prop.

Generate Independent Movement Equipment Type Prop

The default is 35%. The maximum percentage of time allocated to the Independent Movement Equipment Type strategy out of Movement Generation Prop.

Generate Independent Movement Prop

The default is 17%. The maximum percentage of time allocated to the Independent Movement Basic strategy out of Movement Generation Prop.

Geo Clust Strat Pct

The default value is 0. The likelihood shipments are primarily grouped into clusters based on their delivery locations.

Geo Cluster Max Number Of Iteration

The default value is 100. The maximum number of iterations the clustering algorithm will execute in its search for the best clustering of shipment locations (in the case of Geo clustering). A larger swarm size and more iterations should, in general, improve the output of the clusters but will also increase the runtime.

Geo Cluster Max Swarm Size

The default value is 100. The maximum size of the swarm is used by the Particle Swarm clustering optimization.

Geo Cluster Min Swarm Size

The default value is 0. The minimum size of the swarm is used by the Particle Swarm clustering optimization.

Geo Time Clust Strat Pct

The default value is 0. The likelihood shipments are primarily grouped by intersecting geographical clusters of their delivery locations with temporal clusters of their time windows.

Group By Location Pct

The default value is 60%. Group shipment by locations after sorting.

JMX Run Sub Problem

The default is False. This parameter is used for development purposes to execute an XML request using the JMX-Console.

Local Search Prop

The default value is 20%. The maximum percentage of time allocated to Local Search Prop strategy out of Movement Generation Prop.

MIP Engine Name

This policy specifies the MIP solver being used (Gurobi, CPLEX, etc.). The default value is Gurobi.

Max Memory Usage

This policy sets the maximum memory used to control an out-of-memory situation. The default value is 95.

Max Number of Threads

The default value is 0. The minimum value is 0. The maximum value equals the number of processors. If not set, the Gurobi engine will take a value in the range of 0 to the number of processors.

Max Number Translations

The default value is 3. This parameter dictates the maximum number of start times that are tried before giving up on the sequence as time-infeasible.

Max Repeat Number To Run Local Search

The default value is 20. The TO solver is limited by the maximum runtime parameter, Maximum Solver Execution Time, but works to enforce this cut-off time while also attempting to ensure each major step in solving is still given a chance to execute and a complete solution is returned. This is accomplished by proportionally splitting up the maximum allocated runtime of the solver execution and assigning it to the major steps in the solving process. There is a corresponding parameter (ending in “Prop” for proportion) used to calculate the maximum allocated runtime for each step.

Maximum Solver Execution Time

Default = 20. The TO solver is limited by the maximum runtime parameter, Maximum Solver Execution Time, but works to enforce this cut-off time, while also attempting to ensure each major step in solving is still given a chance to execute and a complete solution is returned. This is accomplished by proportionally splitting up the maximum allocated runtime of the solver execution and assigning it to the major steps in the solving process. There is a corresponding parameter (ending in Prop for proportion) used to calculate the maximum allocated runtime for each step.

Maximum Split Parts

This represents the maximum number of pieces a single shipment can be split into. The default value is 1 (no split).

Merge Deadhead Objective

Merge deadhead objective with cost objective. The default value is False.

Merge Throughput Objective

Merge throughput objective with cost objective. The default value is False.

Min Sub Problem Duration

The minimum time horizon duration (in minutes) allowed when decomposing one problem into many subproblems. The default value is 120.

MIP Focus

The default value for MIP Focus is 0 and the maximum is 3.

Model Sense

The default value is Maximize. Available options are Maximize or Minimize.

Movement Generation Prop

The maximum percentage of time allocated to movement generation out of Maximum Solver Execution Time. The default value is 80%.

Movement Selection Prop

The maximum percentage of time allocated to movement selection out of Maximum Solver Execution Time. The default value is 20%.

Multi Leg Strat Lower Pct

The percentage parameter used by the engine to spend time to generate each leg level feasible movement generation. The default value is 90.

Multi Leg Strat OPP Threshold

This policy is used to limit the maximum number of pool points any shipment should flow through before reaching the final destination. The default value is 2.

Multi-Movement Tolerance Duration

The process that joins two independently created movements into a single movement does so if the time between the end of the anterior movement and the beginning of the posterior movement is less than or equal to the duration defined by this parameter. The default is 30 min.

Nearest Sort Pct

The value can range from 0 to 100. The default value is 0. This policy enables the nearest sort algorithm to select geographically close shipments.

No Picks After Drops On Same Movement

This policy prevents PDPD patterns in the same movement. The default is False.

Nth Iter Prop

The nthIterProp controls the amount allocated toward all passes beyond the second. The default value is 10.

Number Of Iteration For Strategy

The number of times to execute the list of strategies in Strategy. The default value is 10.

Number Of Threads In Pool

Number of threads in Pool.

Objective Type

The default value is Sequential. Available Options are Sequential and MultiObj. Only one value is allowed.

Persisted Movement Strategy

Default Persisted Movement Seed Simple, Generate Persisted Movement Backup Solutions and Persisted Movement Local Search. More strategies are Independent Persisted Movements Basic and Independent Persisted Movements Equip Type.

Pick Drop Clust Inc Plan Pct

Update cluster for unscheduled shipments in each strategy execution. The default value is 80%.

Pick Drop Clust Strat Pct

The likelihood shipments are grouped by first clustering their pickup locations, and then within each pickup cluster, clustering their delivery locations. The default value is 60.

Print CSV Generated Movements

Print CSV file of generated movements under plt_work\movement location. The default is False.

Print CSV Selected Movements

Print CSV file of selected movements under plt_work\movement location. The default is False.

Print MIP File

Print MIP file under plt_work\mip_model location. The default is False.

Print Sys Out Generated Movements

Print generated movements on the console.

Print Sys Out Selected Movements

Print selected movements on the console.

Problem Decomp Threshold

The minimum number of shipments present in the optimization to trigger decomposition. The default is 1000.

Rand Detail Sort Pct

The likelihood shipments will be randomly sorted within any other primary sorting and location grouping that may be enforced in the sortation presented to the algorithm. The default value is 100.

Relative MIP Gap

Default value = 1e-4, Min Val = 0, Max Val = Infinity, If not set Gurobi Engine will take value in range 0 to Infinity. The MIP solver will terminate (with an optimal result) when the gap between the lower and upper objective bound is less than MIPGap.

Run Request Or Server Test

This flag is for development purposes. If the engine is run using JMX-console and server test, set this flag to True. The default is False.

Run Strategies In Parallel

This policy provides thread-based execution for movement generation, which improves performance and optimizes CPU utilization. By default, this feature is enabled. The option to enable/disable parallel execution is available at the enterprise admin level.

Saving Algorithm Failed Count

Movements are constructed by first finding feasible sequences of stops and then by finding feasible schedules for these sequences. Each sequence is extended one shipment at a time. It is possible the algorithm fails to find a feasible schedule for a sequence. However, it is also possible that by adding one more shipment, the sequence will then have a feasible schedule. This parameter controls how many times the Savings Algorithm will fail to find a feasible schedule but continue adding another shipment to the sequence anyway. The default value is 4.

Logical Inventory



Inventory Alarm Report Date Range Span

The number of days for the delivery filter horizon in alarm reports.

Automatic All Customer Sub Buffer

If active, the system will automatically create a predefined customer with the name, All Customers, and a sub-buffer with this customer as a trait. This predefined customer is used to capture buffer on hand for non-customer-specific inventory when the customer-tracked Logical Inventory Policy is on.

Automatic All Vendor Sub Buffer

If active, the system will automatically create a predefined vendor with the name, All Vendors and a sub-buffer with this vendor as a trait. This predefined vendor is used to capture buffer on hand for non-vendor-specific inventory when the vendor-tracked Logical Inventory Policy is on.

On Hand Inventory Status

If not empty, then for buffer on hand update will be applied inventory operations with statuses that have been defined on the Inventory Operation.

Resync Buffer On Hand

If active, then the buffer on hand will be resynced based on inventory changes (insert, update) initiated by the inbound integration interface.

Rollup to Primary Item Buffer OnHand

Controls whether the Warehouse Management System (WMS) will use some notion of "Primary/Alternative" items when adjusting logical inventory on hand. When this policy is enabled, and the on-hand adjustment object has the Alternative Item reference, then the buffer on-hand will be directed to buffers with the Primary item instead, ignoring buffers with alternative items even if they exist. Currently supported values:

  • No - indicates that the policy is disabled. Default value.

  • Substitute - in this case, WMS uses active Item Substitution records of Substitute type as the source of the Primary/Alternative item relation record. The substitution's base item is treated as Primary, and the replacing item is treated as Alternative.

Rollup OnHand to Generic Buffer

If enabled, then buffer on hand (BOH) adjustment operations will also be rolled up to the respective buffers with generic items. It also enables Logical Inventory policy validation for consistency reasons. Enabled by default.

Singleton Numbering

Allows users to create a pattern for a new singleton numbering. You could use the next expressions:

DD (Day), MM (Month), YY (Year), NN (Required - Next Sequence Number)

Example: HUBDDMMYY-NN will create a singleton with the number HUB220916-0001.

Long-Term and Medium-Term Premium Labor



Premium-Time Rate For Contractors

The overtime rate for contractors.

Premium-Time Rate For Internals

The overtime rate for internal employees.

Premium-Time Limit For Contractors

The overtime limit for contractors.

Premium-Time Limit For Internals

The overtime limit for internal employees.




Allow Lot Split

If True, then allow a split of Lot Instance.

Auto Update Inventory Status When Expired

If active, then the inventory status will be automatically changed to expire when the expiry date on the record itself or linked lot is past due.

Lot Numbering

Allows users to create a pattern for a new lot numbering. You could use the next expressions:

DD (Day), MM (Month), YY (Year), NN (Required - Next Sequence Number)

Example: HUBDDMMYY-NN will create a lot with the number HUB220916-0001.

MRO Assembly



Assembled Inventories Status

If not empty, then for inventories created for finished goods using an assembly work order task, the inventory status will be set to the specified value. It will be Available by default.

Auto Close Receipt on Assembly

Provides a stage when receipt created for finish-good items in the process of assembly will be automatically closed. It is Complete Work by default.

Auto Close Receipt on Disassembly

Provides a stage when receipt created for finish-good items in the process of disassembling will be automatically closed. It is Complete Work by default.

Disassembled Inventories Status

If not empty, then for inventories created using a disassembling work order task, the inventory status will be set to a specified value. It will be BAD by default.

Untouched Inventories Status

If not empty, then for untouched inventories resulting from the fact that the actual quantity is below than previously issued quantity, the inventory status will be set to a specified value. It will be AVAILABLE by default.

MRO Asset Management



Assembly Asset Initial Status

If the policy is enabled, the user can define the initial status of the asset when it is created via the asset UI page or via Assembly work or any other middleware APIs.

Asset Assembly Process Status

If the policy is enabled, the user can select the status of the asset when the asset is undergoing the assembly process or work order page.

Asset Repair Process Status

If the policy is enabled, the user can decide the asset status when the asset is under repair or maintenance.

Asset Status On Complete Work

If the policy is enabled, the user can select the asset status once work is completed on that specific asset.

Disallow Batch Update For Asset Assembly

If the policy is True, bulk updates are disabled on the asset structure tab.

Disassembly Asset Final Status

This policy sets the asset status, after the completion of the Disassembly process.

Disassembly Asset Initial Status

This policy sets the asset status when it goes into the Disassembly process.

MRO Generic



Asset Repair State Config

If the policy is enabled, the user can select one or more asset statuses to trigger the repair process or can create a maintenance work order.

Auto Create Shipment In Transit

If the policy is enabled, the system auto-creates the shipment while the asset is changing site from the asset or from the work order.

Disable Multi Inventory Put Back

If the policy is enabled, the user can pick internal components.

Generic Work Order State Config

If the policy is enabled, the user can select specific states to be skipped from work order execution.

Initial State For Work Order

*No description is provided in the system.

State For View Only Asset

If the policy is enabled, every action is disabled on the asset when one or more asset statuses are selected.

Subassembly State On Asset Available

If the policy is enabled, the subassembly Asset Status or the state of the child asset is made available.

MRO Work Order



Assign Assemble Work Initial State

If the policy is enabled, an assembly work order is created with an initial state. The work order is created in a draft or new state and can be accepted or rejected if desired.

Assign Repair Work Initial State

If the policy is enabled, the repair work order is created with an initial state. The work order is created in a draft or new state and can be accepted or rejected if desired.

Auto Approve Child Work Order

If the policy is enabled, it will auto-start and complete parent-level tasks that are associated with child work orders.

Auto Complete Task On Child Work Complete

If the policy is enabled, the system will auto-complete the Parent Work Order Task.

Auto Save Tasks On State

*No description is provided in the system.

Close Assemble Work After State

If the policy is enabled, the work order is closed after the defined state.

Close Repair Work After State

If the policy is enabled, the repair work order is closed after the defined state.

Complete Repair Tasks On Work Complete

If the policy is enabled, the system auto-completes all the tasks.

Enable Auto Child Work Orders

If the policy is enabled, the system creates the Child Repair Work Order (Lot controlled).

Enable Auto Work Order Tasks

If the policy is enabled, the system auto-explodes the tasks for the Repair Work Order.

Start Assemble Work After State

If the policy is enabled, the Start work action is enabled which allows the user to add tasks and task parts (Assemble Work Order).

Start Repair Tasks On Start Work

If the policy is enabled, the system starts all the tasks at a time.

Start Repair Work After State

If the policy is enabled, the Start work action is enabled which allows the user to add tasks and task parts (Repair Work Order).

MRO Assembly



Assembled Inventories Status

If not empty, then for inventories created for finished goods using an assembly work order task, the inventory status will be set to the specified value. The default value is AVAILABLE.

Auto Close Receipt on Assembly

This policy identifies a stage at which a receipt created for finished goods items in the process of assembly will be automatically closed. The default value is Complete Work.

Auto Close Receipt on Disassembly

This policy identifies a stage at which a receipt created for finished goods items in the process of disassembling will be automatically closed. The default value is Complete Work.

Disassembled Inventories Status

If not empty, then for inventories created using a disassembling work order task, the inventory status will be set to the specified value. The default value is BAD.

Untouched inventories Status

If not empty, then for untouched inventories resulting from the actual quantity being less than the previously issued quantity, the inventory status will be set to the specified value. The default value is AVAILABLE.

MTIP Buffer Download



MEIO Buffers Download Report

Add a custom download for the MEIO buffers report.

MEIO Store Buffers Download Report

Add a custom download store buffers report name for MEIO.

MTIP Buffers Download Report

Add a custom download buffers report name.

MTIP Store Buffers Download Report

Add a custom download store buffers report name.




Allow Location Deactivation With Inventory

Allows deactivation of the location even if it contains inventory.

Auto Enable Operation Location

Identifies the location types that will automatically have their Operating flag set to True by default. If this policy is undefined, then the following location types will have the Operating flag set to True: Aisle, Bulk, Slot, and Bin.

Max Failed Seal Verification Attempts

Determines how many times the user can enter an incorrect seal number before the system automatically removes the seal.

Move Planning



Enforce Inventory Content Match

When turned on, the system will enforce equality between total move plan detail quantities and move plan line before starting move plan execution.

My Entity



Allow Disable My Entities

Indicates whether or not to allow disable my entity on report filters.

Apply All Members To Partner Preferences

Indicates that all selected members of partner preferences will be applied by FilterMyEntities macro to the same transaction record using the AND clause.

Enable Role Based Preferences

Allow optional role-based entity group support on FilterMyEntitiesMacro.

Enable Revert Actions

Enables TMS.RevertToConfirmed and TMS.RevertToIntransit actions for movement and shipment levels.

Network BOM CDT Policies



Exclude From Network BOM CDT

Defines if this organization's sites should be excluded from Network BOM CDT or not. NULL is false.

Order Analytics



ASN Creation Tolerance Value

This value is used in analytics to determine the delivery schedules for which ASN was created within the tolerance.

Allow Vendor To See Scorecard Ranking

Allows vendors to see the Scorecard Rankings and their placement in the hierarchy. Defaults to False.

Analytics Score Computation Period

This policy dictates the time period for analytics computation to determine the score.

Include Partially Received Order

If the value of this policy is set to True, then Partially Received records are also considered in the measure's order report. This policy defaults to False.

Is Inco Based Scorecard

If the value of this policy is set to True, then an Inco-based formula is used in the measure's order report. This policy defaults to False.

Order Confirmation Tolerance Value

This value is used in analytics to determine the orders which were confirmed within the tolerance.

Order Reference Date Type

The policy value can be set to any of the available enumeration values to configure the reference date type for orders.

Order Type For Analytics Score Computation

Determines the order type of the analytics to use for score computation. The default is Purchase Order.

Scorecard Date Type

Determines which scorecard date type is displayed.

Scorecard Level

Determines the level for which the scorecard is displayed.

Scorecard Ranking

JSON representing the grade scale tiers for Vendor Scorecards.

Scorecard Ranking For Neo

JSON representing the grade scale tiers for Vendor Scorecards. Expected format:


This policy is only valid with exactly 3 values in the array.

Supported Modules to Interact

Vendor scorecards include analytical inputs from ONE's Logistics and OMS modules. This organization-level policy allows users to specify the module name and inter-module API path while configuring the policy to enable the interaction between the two modules.


[{[email protected]: "TMS.LogisticsFactAudit"}] 

in the Value field to allow the network analytics to pull logistics data into the scorecard. Please note that the above API path must be typed in exactly as written in order to access ONE's Logistics module for order analytics.

Order Milestone



Milestone Process Discovery Method

Defines the method that will be used to search the default milestone process.




DC PIV RAR Config Name

Retail Adv Replenishment Engine Config Name to be used for Retail DC PIV projected on hand computation.

Show Replenishment Analysis Data Measures On PIV

If active, then the system will add replenishment analysis data measures to PIVs.

Store PIV RAR Config Name

Retail Adv Replenishment Configuration for computing projected on hand (POH) in the store projected inventory view (PIV).




Sync Packing List Dimensions to Shipment

If active, the system overrides shipment dimensions on packing lists when the Pick Ready action is taken.

Auto Create Lot For Packing List Inbound Integration

If active, then allow creating a lot within the packing list integration flow.

Auto Create Serial Number For Packing List Inbound Integration

If active, then the system automatically creates serial numbers for items that do not exist in the inventory during the packing list integration process.

Auto Create Singleton For Packing List Inbound Integration

If active, the policy auto-creates a Singleton (serial_no) within the packing list integration workflow.

Auto Ready To Ship

If active, the system will automatically initiate the Ready To Ship action for the automatically generated packing list.

Automatic Shipment Update

If active, then packing list quantity changes will be applied to corresponding shipment lines.

Enforce Container Staging Before Ready To Ship

If enabled, this policy prevents Ready to Ship execution on a packing list if any container is not staged.

Enforce Packing List Compliance Before Pickup

If enabled, this policy enforces the validation of a packing list being Ready To Ship at the time of shipment pickup.

Link Generated Partial Packing List To Shipment

If enabled, then generated packing lists will be linked to the shipment header even if the packing list does not cover all the shipment lines at the time. Otherwise, partial packing lists will be linked only to the respective shipment lines. This policy is enabled by default.

Packing to Current Location

If active, then the auto-created packing list inventory source location will be taken from the picklist. No location structure validation will be applied.

Packing Resource



Packing Resource Algorithm Type

Specifies the type of algorithm used to generate the packing requirements by picking the best packing resources. The supported algorithms are:

  • Homogeneous: Derives the packing hierarchy (with minimum count) for all items in a single model and uses it to generate the packing requirement.

  • Tight Fit: Derives the packing hierarchy that can hold the same type of items from different models and uses it to generate the packing requirement.

  • Mixed Pallet: Derives the packing hierarchy that can hold different types of items from different models and uses it to generate the packing requirement.




Partner Attribute Schema

Specify the attribute schema that will be applied to all partners under your enterprise.

Permanent Relocation



Permanent Relocation Threshold Months

Permanent Relocation Threshold Months

Permanent Relocation Threshold Percent

Permanent Relocation Threshold Percent




Allow Partial Reservation

When enabled, this policy allows users to reserve less inventory than requested because the requested quantity is not available at the time of reservation.

Auto Create Packing List In Background

If active, then the packing list will be created asynchronously whenever the Auto-Create Packing List on the Pick List Close warehouse policy is enabled.

Default Picking Location From Ship From Location

If active, then the pick list generation logic for location-based orders will take picking locations from the order's Ship From location.

Picking Area Assignment

Identifies area assignments that will be considered by the picking algorithm while searching for the suitable inventory.

Synchronize Reserved Inventory on Pick List Quantity Update

When the picklist quantity is updated for lines in reserved status, the system will also update reserved inventory quantities by canceling respective inventory operations and/or creating new inventory operations accordingly.

Cancel Reservation on Under Picking

This policy specifies the system action in cases where the picked quantity is less than the shipment quantity.

Prompt: Shows a confirmation popup

Off: Remaining Reserved quantity will be canceled

Auto: Remaining Rreserved quantity will be left untouched




Generate Split Ratios Using Item Similar

If True, the Split Ratio of similar items is copied to the new item. If False, the split ratios are not copied.

Get PGRP Level No Of Store Data Policy

Commodity planning stores the data at a given PGRP level number.

Is Parent Lvl Overrides

If True, the policy specifies Parent overrides Child. If False, the policy specifies Child overrides Parent.




Auto PreASN Lead Time for DO

If enabled, the policy specifies the lead time in JSON format and is used by the AutoASN creation engine to specify when the Pre-ASN should be created with respect to the ship date/delivery date of the deployment order. The date to use is decided by the engine parameter. Example:

 {leadTimeDay : 1 , leadTimeHour : 0 , leadTimeMinute : 0 ,CalendarType : Calendar Days }

If the user wants to set a parameter as blank, the user should not provide a key and value. For example, if the calendar type is blank JSON will be:

{leadTimeDay : 1 , leadTimeHour :2 , leadTimeMinute : 30 }

Auto PreASN Lead Time for RO

If enabled, the policy specifies the lead time in JSON format and is used by the AutoASN creation engine to specify when the Pre-ASN should be created with respect to the ship date/delivery date of the return order. The date to use is decided by the engine parameter. Example:

 {leadTimeDay : 1 , leadTimeHour : 0 , leadTimeMinute : 0 ,CalendarType : Calendar Days }

If the user wants to set a parameter as blank, the user should not provide a key and value. For example, if the calendar type is blank JSON will be:

{leadTimeDay : 1 , leadTimeHour :2 , leadTimeMinute : 30 }

Force Order Life Cycle For Shipment

If this policy is enabled, then the system will stop a preASN from moving to the next state before the order is moved to an Open state.

PreASN State for DO

If this policy is enabled, the auto-generated shipment for a deployment order will be created in the state that is selected. For example, if Draft is selected, the auto shipment will be created in a Draft state. The default value is Awaiting.

PreASN State for RO

If this policy is enabled, the auto-generated shipment for a return order will be created in the state that is selected. For example, if Draft is selected, the auto shipment will be created in a Draft state. The default value is Awaiting.




High Priority Tolerance

Percentage of unmet demand to total demand at and above which a generated problem is classified as High priority.

Internal Excess High Priority Tolerance

Percentage of excess supply to premium and original supply at and above which a generated problem is classified as High priority.

Internal Excess Low Priority Tolerance

Percentage of excess supply to premium and original supply at and below which a generated problem is classified as Low priority.

Internal Excess Tolerance

Percentage tolerance of excess supply to premium and original supply before problems are created.

Long-Term Skill Gap Threshold

If the skill gap is above this threshold, aggregated timeline views (TLVs) show the skill gap number in a highlighted color.

Unmet Demand Tolerance

Percentage tolerance of unmet demand to total demand before problems are created.

Low Priority Tolerance

Percentage of unmet demand to total demand at and below which a generated problem is classified as Low priority.

Medium-Term Skill Gap Threshold

If the skill gap is above this threshold, aggregated TLVs show the skill gap number in a highlighted color.

Problem Exclusion Time In Days

Life of problem exclusion record.

Production Completion



Allow Prod Work Order Integ File Edit

If Yes, then production work orders from integration are editable in the UI.

Close Picklist On Prod Work Order

If Yes, then Production Completion from integration is editable on the UI.

Close Receipt On Production Work Order

If Yes, then On Production Completion approval, the created Receipt is closed.

Create Production Order On Excess Work Order

If Yes, then Production Completion from integration is editable in the UI.

Track Production Completion?

Policy to track the quantity of related production orders. When Approved using Production Completion, related production orders will be fetched and the actual quantity of the production order will be updated.

Production Order



Accept UI Order Number

Flag to indicate whether to allow users to enter the production order number in the UI.

Allow BOM Input For Prod Orders

If True, the BOM input while creating production orders is enabled.

Allow Production Work Order Creation From Production Order

If Yes, Create Production Work Order action displays on the Production Order screen.

Calculate Work Order Start Date And Work Order End Date From Routing

If this flag is True, then Work Order Start Date and Work Order End Date are calculated from Routing. If False, the dates will be copied from the Production Order Start Date and Production Order End Date respectively.

Expire Production Order Forecast

If yes, the system expires the production order forecast when a user uploads production orders through IB.

Expire All Prod Order Forecast For Site

When production orders are uploaded, if this policy is True, then production order forecasts are expired for the sites for which the production orders have been uploaded.

Expire Production Order Forecast Duration

This policy sets the duration for which the Production Order Forecast is expired on production order upload through IB.

FallBackTo BOM For Work Order Explosion If No Routing Found

When generating Work Orders from Production Orders, if no routing is found, then this flag determines whether to fail explosion or explode with BOM.

Group Name and Name of Get Tracking Events SQLDEF

Policy defining fully qualified name (group name and SQL def name) to override get events SQL.

Production Order Inbound Date Format Override

Enable this field to override the date format when downloading and uploading production orders from the Search Production Order UI.

Production Order Number Generation Policy

This policy enables users to configure order number generation for production orders.

Track Production Work Order

If Yes, then the system will hide the close action on a Production Order.

Work Order Creation Source

The Work Order Creation Source selected is used to determine the source of work creation. For example, if the value is MFG, work orders will be created in MFG. If the value is AMS, the work order creation logic will be executed by AMS logic.

Purchase Order



Allow Cancel For Intransit Order PO

If this policy is enabled, then the buyer can cancel the purchase order in the In Transit state.

Allow Collaboration On Cancel For PO

If this policy is enabled, a buyer needs vendor approval to cancel a purchase order.

Allow Order Fulfillment

If this policy is enabled, the PO can create fulfillment orders as part of the Order Brokering process.

Allow Re-sourcing of PO Release

Standard behavior on PO Release will attempt to find new Contract Terms and Lines when changing details on the order. Once the Contract is set, it cannot be changed. This policy, when enabled, adds another step after looking for Terms and Lines. This step will look for another Contract that can satisfy the new Order details. If this fails, the same error message will be shown.

Auto Claim

If the policy is enabled, claims will be automatically generated for the organization when the order is in a Received or Closed state.

Disallow Buyer To Provide Promise Fields In Integ

If the policy is enabled, the buyer is not allowed to provide a value for promise fields via an integration file. Otherwise, an error message is generated.

Order Fields For Update Attributes For PO

The policy specifies a comma-separated list of non-collaborative fields that are allowed to be updated without triggering a state change when the order is in the Open state or beyond. Example: OwnerCode.

Financial Account Policy

If this policy is enabled, the financial account code is populated on a request schedule on an order Approve/Revise action. This policy can be set at the enterprise, organization, or site level in a hierarchy.

Item Info Attributes

Attributes selected will be displayed in the item information popup for POs.

Mask Price for PO


Perform AVL Netting

If this policy is set, then orders will be considered for AVL netting.

Reopen Rejected Purchase Order

If this policy is enabled, purchase order schedules in a Vendor Reject state can be reopened to a Vendor Change Requested or Open state.

Default Overreceiving Tolerance, % (Purchase Orders)

Default over-receiving tolerance in percent, specific to Purchase Orders. Can be overridden by AVL.

Default Underreceiving Tolerance, % (Purchase Orders)

Default under-receiving tolerance in percent, specific to Purchase Orders. Can be overridden by AVL.

Enable Notification by Collaboration

If this policy is enabled, any order update by the buyer user triggers a notification to allow buyer-vendor collaboration.




Allow Different Destination

If yes, then it is allowed that a shipment is not going to the intended destination.

Auto Create Shipment For Order Created In Partially Received

If yes, then allow the creation of shipments for orders created in a partially received state. False by default.

Auto Create Shipment for Order created in Received

If yes, then allow the creation of shipments for orders which were created in the received state. True by default.

Receive on Shipment Delivery

Enables the automatic creation of a receipt for a shipment upon its delivery.

Default Overreceiving Tolerance, %

Default over receiving tolerance for shipments and all order types. Will be overridden by order type-specific policies if set.

Default Underreceiving Tolerance, %

Default under receiving tolerance for shipments and all order types. Will be overridden by order type-specific policies, if se


Whether over receiving is allowed on shipment or order.


Whether under receiving is tracked on shipment and order.

Allow Different Destination

If yes, then a shipment is allowed to be sent to a destination that's different from its intended destination.

Allow Receiving For Order Management Organization

If active, then allow an Order Management Organization (OMO) to create, update, and close a receipt if the receipt lines are linked to an order delivery schedule that has this organization or enterprise as the OMO.

Default Receiving Location From Ship To Location

If active, then receipt generation logic for location-based order will take receiving location from order's ship-to location.

Mismatch With Packing List

Allow: Ignore content mismatch with Packing List on close Receipt.

Allow With Reason Code: Ignore content mismatch with Packing List on close Receipt if reason code is provided (not in 23.0 scope).

Deny: Validate content mismatch and create hold if this is LPN or kit case.

Repair State Config



Assign Repair Work Initial State

Repair work orders are created with the initial state selected by the policy. This provides the option to create a work order in Draft or New state and accept/reject the state later.

Close Repair Work After State

When the user defines the state for this policy, repair work orders get closed after this state.

Complete All Tasks on Work Complete

If this policy is set as True, the system auto-completes all the tasks.

Start All Tasks On Start Work

If this policy is set as True, the system starts all the tasks at one time.

Start Repair Work After State

When this policy is enabled and the repair type of work order is under execution, the Start work action is enabled after the state defined by this policy. The user can add tasks and task parts at this stage.




Auto Single Customer Filter

If active, then the customer filter will be auto-populated on reports and portlets when there is a single customer.




Allow Edit Additional Costs In Approved

If this policy is enabled, editing is allowed for additional costs on Requisitions that are in an Approved state. Otherwise, editing is only allowed in Draft, Pending, and Awaiting Approval states.

Requisition Number Prefix

If this policy is enabled, the purchasing organization of purchase requisitions can create a custom prefix for system-generated purchase requisition numbers. The default is to have no prefixes.

Requisition Update Alert Field Provider

The policy is used to customize the fields to be alerted on using the Requisition Update Alert. The policy specifies the fully qualified class name of a subclass of Field Provider. The subclass defines the fields that will be checked for equality in the Requisition Update Alert computation. If not present, defaults to the original Field Provider value.

Retail Advanced Replenishment Engine



Enable Rounding Of Store Demand Forecast Quantity

If enabled, the system rounds up when the store demand forecast quantity is generated using a split ratio and demand forecast.

Round Store Demand Forecast Quantity If Less Than Two

Option to tell us not to round if the store demand forecast quantity is less than two.

Site Group For Split Ratio

Site group value to select split ratios. The split ratio will be used to split the demand forecast at a distribution center (DC) into the store demand forecast.

Return Orders



Mask Price for RO


Role Type Feature Group



Disable Role Type Feature Filtering

Policy to disable role type filtering using feature definition.

Sales Order



Allow Cancel For Intransit Order SO

If this policy is enabled, the seller can cancel sales orders in the In Transit state.

Auto-Populate Promise Fields Sales Order

If this policy is enabled, any sales order without a promised quantity is auto-populated with the requested quantity on the user's screen and on the vendor update.

Allow Fulfillment For Sales Order

If this policy is enabled, sales orders can create fulfillment orders as part of the Order Brokering process.

Default Overreceiving Tolerance, % (Sales Orders)

Default over-receiving tolerance in percent, specific to sales orders.

Default Underreceiving Tolerance, % (Sales Orders)

Default under-receiving tolerance in percent, specific to sales orders.

Item Info Attributes

Attributes selected are displayed in the item information popup for sales orders.

Mask Price for SO


Sales Order Address Validator Key

The key provided by One Network to access the external Address Validator.

Sales Order Address Validator Service

Determines which external service the Sales Order Address Validator uses.

Short-Term Optimization Planning



Appointment AM Cut-Off Time

Any appointment starting before this time would be considered an AM appointment. The value must be provided in a 24-hour format. For example, for the 2 p.m. cut-off time, the value should be 14.

Default Plan Hierarchy Name

The name of the default plan hierarchy. Used by the UI to pre-populate engine forms.

Default Short-Term Optimization Policy

*This description was left blank.

Long Distance Relocation Horizon

Short-term optimization long-distance relocation engine horizon. This value should be greater than the value set for the Long Distance Relocation Minimum Nights policy.

Long Distance Relocation Minimum Lead Time in Days

The minimum lead time added to start long-distance relocation recommendations.

Long Distance Relocation Minimum Nights

The minimum number of nights to be considered for a long-distance relocation.

Long Distance Relocation Tours

The number of tasks/tours for short-term optimization long-distance relocation.

Maximum Permissible Overtime Hours

The maximum number of overtime hours a worker (internal or contractor) is allowed.

Public Holiday Premium Labor Multiplier (External)

Public Holiday Premium Labor Multiplier (External) used in optimization.

Public Holiday Premium Labor Multiplier (Internal)

Public Holiday Premium Labor Multiplier (Internal) used in optimization.

Saturday Premium Labor Multiplier (External)

Saturday Premium Labor Multiplier (External) used in optimization.

Saturday Premium Labor Multiplier (Internal)

Saturday Premium Labor Multiplier (Internal) used in optimization.

Short-Term Planning Horizon

Planning horizon to be passed on the STO optimization engines when executed from UI chain engines.

Planning Lock At Universal District

Flag to generate locks on Universal or Actual District when engine executed from other UI

Sunday Premium Labor Multiplier (External)

Sunday Premium Labor Multiplier (External) used in optimization.

Sunday Premium Labor Multiplier (Internal)

Sunday Premium Labor Multiplier (Internal) used in optimization

Weekday Premium Labor Multiplier (External)

Weekday Premium Labor Multiplier (External) used in optimization.

Weekday Premium Labor Multiplier (Internal)

Weekday Premium Labor Multiplier (Internal) used in optimization.




Allow Duplicate Site Address

Specifies whether a duplicate address is allowed or not.

Site Attribute Schema

Specify attribute schema, which will be applied to all sites under your enterprise.

Default Location Initialization

Default location initialization configuration. While creating the default location, selected fields can be set as True, such as Run Replenishment, Inventory Location, and Auto Putaway.

Site Group Association



Disable Deactivate Site Group Association

Policy to disable the deactivation of an existing site group level association that is related to multiple site group levels.

Site Policy Group



Copy VC Master Data

This policy introduces copying master data for the site under the Site Policy Group.




Enable Role Skill Validation

Policy to validate user-role-skill mapping. When enabled, the system displays an error message if discrepancies are found during the validation check.

Skill Group Priority Revenue Values



Revenue Value For Skill Group Priority One

Revenue Value For Skill Group Priority One

Revenue Value For Skill Group Priority Two

Revenue Value For Skill Group Priority Two

Revenue Value For Skill Group Priority Three

Revenue Value For Skill Group Priority Three

Revenue Value For Skill Group Priority Four

Revenue Value For Skill Group Priority Four

Revenue Value For Skill Group Priority Five

Revenue Value For Skill Group Priority Five

Revenue Value For Skill Group Priority Six

Revenue Value For Skill Group Priority Six

Revenue Value For Skill Group Priority Seven

Revenue Value For Skill Group Priority Seven

Revenue Value For Skill Group Priority Eight

Revenue Value For Skill Group Priority Eight

Revenue Value For Skill Group Priority Nine

Revenue Value For Skill Group Priority Nine

Static Routes



Default Static Route Carrier Partner

The default value for carrier partner sed when creating records for a model (such as static route).

Store Order Management



Allow Duplicate Items Within Store Order

This policy allows or disallows duplicate items within a store order.

Auto Approve Suggested Store Orders

Auto Approve Suggested Store Orders.


Indicates how many buckets to show on Daily Forecast Book TLV.

Consider Late Orders In Past Days

Consider store order as Late Order (On Order) whose request delivery date is X days in the past and is in Open/Intransit/New states.

Order Approval Duration In Days

This policy is used to compute the Latest Order Creation date in the Search Suggested Order report and Suggested Order widget.

Re-execute Report For RePlan

If the value is True, at a specific interval, the report is re-executed to get the Run Replan job status. Otherwise, the Ajax call is executed, which fetches the job status and updates the report.

Reuse Daily Forecast Update Tab

This policy determines whether the system opens a new tab or reuses the already open tab when the user clicks on the Daily Sales Forecast hyperlink on the Search Suggested Order Summary report.

Store Order Cut Off Lead Time In Minutes

Lead Time for Store Order Cut Off In Minutes

Suggested Order RAR Config Name

The Retail Adv Replenishment engine configuration name is to be used for the next delivery date computation.

Warn If Order Cut Off Time Passed

If the policy is True, the system will warn the user if the cut-off time passes while approving the order.

Warn If User Override Exceeds Threshold

If the policy is True, the system sends a warning if the total user override is greater than the total execution forecast value by threshold percent in the daily forecast book.

Warn If Weekly Forecast Exceeds Threshold

If the policy is True and the user enters a requested quantity more than the weekly forecast, the user will get a warning popup message.




Survey Questions Per Page

This policy defines the number of questions displayed per page for databots.

Test Result



Pick Up Non-Compliant Shipment

If enabled, this policy allows shipping, picking up, or receiving a shipment even if the test result failed.

Warehouse Assembly



Allow Auto Assembling

If enabled, then bill of materials (BOM) structure items are assembled automatically using an appropriate algorithm. All required lots and singletons are created dynamically by the system.

Allow Incomplete Lots

If enabled the system will allow Snap On / Snap Off actions on Lot instances. Disabled by default.

Auto Approve Assembly Work Order

If enabled, then assembly work orders are auto-approved by the system unless there are pending authorizations.

Auto Approve Disassemble Work Order

If enabled, then disassemble work orders are auto-approved by the system unless there are pending authorizations.

Auto Assign LPN for Inventory Tracking

If enabled, an LPN is created and assigned to inventories that use them for work order processing.

Partially Complete Work Order

If enabled, this policy allows partially complete assembly and kitting work orders.

Remove Task Parts For Missing Items

If enabled, then task parts are removed for lines that do not present on the transaction initiated the process of task part conversion. The default value is False.

Require Component Buffer for Assembly

If enabled, then the algorithm uses buffers for component items on the bill of materials (BOM) lookup.

Require Component Buffer for Kitting

If enabled, then the algorithm uses buffers for component items on the bill of materials (BOM) lookup.

Require Component Buffer for Production

Work Management



Work Assignment Lead Time

This policy sets the time interval from the creation of the work to its assignment.

Work Starting Lead Time

This policy sets the time interval from the assignment of the work to its start.

Worker Group



Contractor Per Hour Cost

This policy sets the contractors per hour cost

Default Time Unit Of Measure

The default time unit of measurement is either FTE/Hours.

Default Daily Working Days

This policy sets the default daily working days.

Default Monthly Working Days

This policy sets the default monthly working days.

Default Weekly Working Days

This policy sets the default weekly working days.

Employee Per Hour Cost

This policy sets the employee per hour cost.

Hours Per Shift For Worker

This policy sets the hours per shift for worker.

Vendor Per Hour Cost

This policy sets the vendor per hour cost.