Creating Shipment Milestones Processes and Custom Shipment Milestones

Complete the following steps to create a new milestone process:

  1. Click Menus/Favs > Transportation > Shipment Milestones > Milestones Processes
    The Milestones Processes screen appears.


  2. In the Explorer pane on the left, click a Customer name to view the list of Milestone Processes on the right. Click the Filters (edit) link to limit the list of customers if necessary.

  3. Click the New Milestone Process button to create a new process.
    The New Milestone Process screen appears.


  4. Fill out the following fields. Fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) are required.



    * Name

    Enter the name of the milestone process


    Enter a description for the milestone process

    Order Type

    Select an order type from the dropdown list


    Select the checkbox to make the milestone process international


    Select the checkbox to activate the milestone process. By default, it is enabled.

  5. Click Create.
    A success message appears, and the new configuration appears in the Milestone Processes Explorer Tree.

Creating Custom Shipment Milestones

This topic describes how to create custom shipment milestones.

Complete the following steps to create a new custom shipment milestone:

  1. Click Menus/Favs > Transportation > Shipment Milestones > Milestones Processes
    The Milestones Processes screen appears.


  2. In the left Explorer pane, click the name of a milestone process.
    The milestone process summary appears on the right.


  3. Click the Create Custom Milestone button.
    The New Milestone screen appears.


  4. Enter the following fields. Fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) are required.



    * Milestone Type

    Enter the name of the milestone process


    Enter a description for the milestone process


    Select the checkbox to activate the milestone process. By default, it is enabled.

    Partner Type Visibility

    Select a checkbox to select partner visibility

    Lead Time

    Select lead times from the dropdown list

    Lead Time Reference

    Select lead time reference from the dropdown list

    * Event Triggering Policy

    Use the drop-down menu to select an Event Trigger Policy.

    Working Days

    Select a checkbox to select working days

    Hold Policies

    Use the picker tool to select hold policies

    Add Events

    Select events under the Events heading using the picker tool.

    * Event Type

    Select an event type

  5. Click Create to create the new milestone.
    A success message appears.