Creating a Multi-Tier Configuration (Config)

Users can create multi-tier configurations to configure multi-tier inventory planning engines according to their specific requirements.

Complete the following steps to create a multi-tier config:

  1. Log in to the ONE system.

  2. Click Menus/Favs > Inventory Planning > Configuration >Multi-Tier Config > New Multi-Tier Config.
    The New Multi-Tier Config screen appears.


  3. Complete the following fields to create a new config. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.

    Field Name


    * Enterprise

    Select the enterprise using the picker tool.

    *C onfig Name

    Enter a config name.

    * Number of Search Iterations

    Enter a value for the search iterations

    Min Indirect Demand Service Level

    Enter a value for the minimum indirect demand service level.

    Optimized By Cost

    • If selected, the engine minimizes total inventory.

    • If not selected, the engine minimizes total cost by multiplying inventory at each location by the buffer's standard cost.

    Single Site Production And Sales

    If selected, the engine includes search results with single-site production and sales.

    Read BOM As Direct Demand

    • If selected, Demand History is interpreted as BOM or Production Demand.

    • If not selected, the engine will not calculate safety stock for production.

    Read Orders As Direct Demand

    If selected, the engine reads orders as direct demand.

    Exclude Intra Org Orders

    If selected, the Purchase/Deployment orders within the same organization will not be read.

    Exclude Intra Ent Orders

    If selected, the Purchase/Deployment orders with the same enterprise will not be read.

    Order Based Promotion

    If selected, the Order Promotion will be in effect, and any order with a longer lead time from a site than that site can reasonably get supply from its parent will be charged against the parent.

    Expedited Based Promotion

    If selected, the Expedited Based Promotion is on.

    Split Demand/Forecast Records to Daily Buckets

    If selected, the engine splits the demand or forecast records into daily buckets.

    Enable Forecast History

    If selected, the engine considers forecast history during processing.

    Read Demand Forecast For Forecast History

    If selected, the engine reads a demand forecast for forecast history.

    Read Disaggregated Forecast

    If selected, the engine reads the disaggregated forecast during processing the request.

    Forecast to Actual Weight

    Enter a value for the actual weight used in forecasting.

    Forecasts Error Aggregation

    Select a value from the dropdown menu.

    Strictly Use Start And End History Dates

    If selected, the engine calculates mean and standard deviation over all of the existing values for the entire History Start and End date range.

    Ordering UOM as Computation UOM

    If selected, the engine will use the UOM selected in the following field during computation.

    Computation UOM

    Select the value for the UOM used during computation.

    Read Results Of Multi-Tier IP Stat Engine

    If selected, the engine reads results of the MTIP Stat engine while

  4. Click Create to save the config.
    A success message appears.