Creating an RFx

Requests for business can come in many forms: Requests for Quotes (RFQs), Requests for Proposals (RFPs), and Requests for Information (RFIs). The abbreviation, RFx, is an all-inclusive version where x can mean any of the requests.

Complete the following steps to create an RFx:

  1. L og in to the ONE system.

  2. Click Menus/Favs > Contract Mgmt > RFx Explorer.
    In the NEO UI, users can click the Menus/Favs icon on the left sidebar and type in the name of the screen in the menu search bar. For more information, see "Using the Menu Search Bar."
    The RFx Explorer screen displays.


  3. Click the New RFx button.
    The New RFx popup window opens with a wizard that steps users through the creation process.

RFx General Information


  1. Enter values for fields described in the table below. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.



    * RFx Name

    Enter a name for the RFx.

    * RFx Type

    Select the type of request from the dropdown list. The infographic on the left side of the popup changes based on the type of request selected.


    Enter a description of the request.

    * Expiry Date

    Use the calendar tool to select the date of expiration.

    * Effective Period

    Use the calendar tools to select the beginning and ending effective dates for the request.

    * Bidding Process

    Select the status of the request (Open or Closed)


    Click the Upload link to select a file as an attachment to this request.

  2. Click the Next button.
    The next screen in the wizard opens with a button to return to the previous screen.

Ranking Factors


  1. Enter values for fields described in the table below. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.



    Share Ranking Factors with Vendor

    Select this checkbox to share information with vendors.

    Item Price

    Enter a percentage value.

    Vendor Lead Time

    Enter a percentage value.

    Vendor Incumbency

    Enter a percentage value.

    Vendor Score

    Enter a percentage value.

    Total Landed Cost

    Enter a percentage value.

    Vendor Risk Score

    Enter a percentage value.

    The ranking factors are used to rank the vendor responses to a given item. See below for a detailed explanation.

    A ranking weight is assigned to each vendor response based on price in response (P), vendor's Incumbent (I) status, and lead time (LT). The weights on P, I, and LT are increased, decreased, or canceled by the buyer weight on each criterion.

    Overall Rank = Iw * f(I) + LTw * f(LT) + Pw * f(P)

    Where Iw, LTw, and Pw are the ranking factors that the user assigns for Incumbent, Lead Time, and Price, respectively, f(I), f(LT), and f(P) are the functions of the corresponding components that are explained below.

    • At the time of the request, f(c) and f(CAP) are zero, and hence at that time, they won't be used in the calculation. So the rank at that time is only based on the incumbent.

    • At the time of the response, all three values will play a role.

    • If the user wants a certain component not to play a role, they can give a ranking factor of zero for the corresponding component.

    • f(I) = 0 if the corresponding vendor is non-incumbent, and 1 if the vendor is incumbent.

    • f(LT) is derived by using the minimum lead time (LTmin) and maximum lead time (LTmax) of all the responses by dividing the distribution of lead time on a scale of 100 and giving 1 point for each step. The closer the lead time in a response is to LTmin, the more points the corresponding response gets. If the lead time in a response is LTmin, the response gets 100. If the lead time in a response is LTmax, the response gets 0 points. So, f(LT) of a particular response with Lead Time LT is computed as:

    100 * (1 - (LT - LTmin)/(LTmax - LTmin))

    • f(P) is derived by using the minimum price (Pmin) and maximum price (Pmax) of all the responses by dividing the distribution of prices on a scale of 100 and giving 1 point for each step.

    The closer the price in the response is to Pmin, the more points the corresponding response gets. If the price in response is Pmin, the response gets 100 points. If the price in response is Pmax, the response gets 0 points. So, f(P) of a particular response with Price P is computed as:

    100 * (1 - (P - Pmin)/(Pmax - Pmin))

  2. Click the Next button.
    The Items for RFx screen displays.

Items for RFx


  1. Select an option to show All Items, Contract Items Only, or AVL Items in the Available Items column.

  2. Click the Filters (edit) link to enter values in the filter fields and click Search.

  3. Click the checkbox(es) for items included in the RFx.

  4. Click the single right-facing arrow to move items to the Selected Items column. Click the double arrow to move all items.
    Items can be removed from the Selected Items column with the left-facing arrows.


  5. Click the Next button.
    The Requested Details per Items screen displays.

Requested Details per Items


  1. Click to enter information in the columns/fields for *Ship To Site, *Quantity (quantity and UOM), Service Level, and Proposed Lead Time (minimum and maximum days and hours). Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
    Note that the Qty field is updated with a link that, when clicked, opens a popup that shows the demand for the given item for the last three months and the projected demand for the next three months.

  2. Click the Next button.
    The Vendors screen displays with the Selected Vendors from List tab showing as the default.

  3. Click the Filters (edit) link to enter filter fields and click Search.

  4. Click the checkbox(es) for vendors.

  5. Click the single right-facing arrow to move items to the Selected Items column. Click the double arrow to move all items.
    Items can be removed from the Selected Items column with the left-facing arrows.

  6. Click the Selected Vendors by Email tab.

  7. Enter the email addresses of vendors in the Vendors Emails field.

  8. Click the Finished button.
    The RFx detail screen displays information entered in the RFx wizard.

RFx Details


  1. Click the Requests tab.
    The items entered from the RFx wizard display, ordered by vendor.

  2. Click the Group By radio buttons for Item.
    The items are listed in a table that can be edited.


  3. Click the Update Wizard button to make more updates.
    The Update Requests RFx wizard displays. Tabs across the bottom of the screen allow users to update items, vendors, vendor emails,


    1. Select item checkboxes and click the Add Selected button to add them to the Selected Items pane.

    2. Click the X in front of an item to remove it.

    3. Click the Vendors tab.

    4. Select vendor checkboxes and click the Add Selected button to add them to the Selected Vendors pane.

    5. Click the X in front of an item to remove it.

    6. Click the E-Mail tab.

    7. Click the Add Email link.
      A row displays in the table.


    8. Add the Vendor, Email, and Items.

    9. Click the Requests tab.
      Items and quantities display.

    10. Click the X to remove any of the lines.

    11. Click the Save button.
      The information updates to the RFx Details screen.

  4. Click the Save button to save the RFx information.

  5. Click the Submit button to submit the RFx formally into the bid process.

  6. Click the Close button to close the RFx.

  7. Click the Initiate Databot button to attach a databot to the RFx.
    The Databot Builder screen displays. Please see the "Creating Databots with the Databot Builder" section in the Online Help for more information.