Issuing Tools and Parts
Providing the users with the capability to issue tools and issue part for relevant tasks during the In Progress state of the work order.
Click the contextual menu (blue triangle) icon under the Task Number column and then click Issue Tools to issue tools for that specific task.
The Issue Tools popup displays.
Fill out the following fields. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.
These are the most relevant fields for this process. You may see additional fields on the screen which are not described in the following table.
Field Name
* Task Number
The task number is auto-populated.
* Task Type
The task type value is auto-populated.
Serial Number
The asset item serialized number is displayed.
The item type is auto-populated.
Task Planned Start Time
Click the calendar and date icon to update the details.
Task Planned End Time
Click the calendar and date icon to update the details.
Parts Cost
This field value is auto-populated.
Parts Cost Currency UOM
The unit of measurement for that currency is displayed. (For example: USD / CAD)
The present state of the task is auto-populated. ( Awaiting Parts and Tools )
Click the calendar and date icon to provide an ETA for the task.
Assigned User
If desired, type the name of the user.
Assigned Role
If desired, type the role of the user.
Task Actual Start Time
This value is system generated.
Task Actual End Time
This value is system generated.
Click Issue Tools.
The task tools are issued to the task and a success message appears. The state of the task changes from Awaiting Parts and Tools to Awaiting Parts.
Issue Part
Click the contextual menu (blue triangle) icon under the Task Number column and then click the Issue Part button to issue parts for that task.
The Issue Part popup displays.
Fill out the following fields. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.
These are the most relevant fields for this process. You may see additional fields on the screen which are not described in the following table.
Field Name
* Task Number
The task number is auto-populated.
* Task Type
The task type value is auto-populated.
Serial Number
The asset item serialized number is displayed.
The item type is auto-populated.
Task Planned Start Time
Click the calendar and date icon to update the details.
Task Planned End Time
Click the calendar and date icon to update the details.
Parts Cost
This field value is auto-populated.
Parts Cost Currency UOM
The unit of measurement for that currency is displayed. (For example: USD / CAD)
The present state of the task is auto-populated. ( Awaiting Parts )
Click the calendar and date icon to provide an ETA for the task.
Assigned User
If desired, type the name of the user.
Assigned Role
If desired, type the role of the user.
Task Actual Start Time
This value is system generated.
Task Actual End Time
This value is system generated.
Click the Issue Part button.
The task parts are issued to the task and a success message appears. The state of the task changes from Awaiting Parts to Ready to Start.Note
The task tools and task parts are picked from the inventory via the pick list from Warehouse Management > Issue Inventory.