Multi-Split Shipments and Container Fan-In/Fan-Out UI

Users can create new multi-split shipments through the Container Fan-In/Fan-Out UI. Here users can specify a shipment number, shipper, consignee, pickup and delivery times, and many other attributes. Users can save to draft, submit, delete or clone multi-split shipments. When creating the multi-split shipment, users can copy rows to build the shipment quickly.

Complete the following steps to create a new multi-split shipment:

  1. L og in to the ONE system.

  2. Select Menu/Favs > Transportation > Container Fan-In/Fan-Out.
    In the NEO UI, users can click on the Menus/Favs icon on the left sidebar and type in the name of the screen in the menu search bar. For more information, see "Using the Menu Search Bar."
    The Container Fan-In/Fan-Out screen appears.


  3. Fill out the following fields. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.



    *Multi-Split Shipment Number

    Enter a shipment number or click the Auto Generate link, and the system will generate a number for you.


    Select a shipper using the picker tool.


    Select a consignee using the picker tool.


    Select a direction from the drop-down menu. The available options are Export, Import, and Transhipment.

    *Ship From

    Select either a Site or an Address from the drop-down menu and then use the picker tool to select a ship-from location.

    *Ship To

    Select either a Site or an Address from the drop-down menu and then use the picker tool to select a ship-to location.


    Select a client from the drop-down menu.

    *Pickup Date Start/End

    Enter a pickup start date range using the date and time icons.

    *Delivery Date Start/End

    Enter a delivery start date range using the date and time icons.


    Select an equipment type from the drop-down menu.

    Expedite Flag

    Select the checkbox if the shipment should be expedited.

  4. Click the Add link to add containers.


    The New Container Details popup appears.


  5. Fill out the following fields. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.



    *Container Number

    Enter a container number or select a container using the picker tool.

    *Container Type

    Select a container type using the picker tool.

    *Gross Weight

    Enter a gross weight and select a UOM.

    Dimension Information

    1. Click the Add Dimension Information link.
      The Add Dimension Information popup appears.


    2. As desired, enter the following dimensions: Over Height, Over Left, Over Right, Over Front, Over Back.

    3. Select a UOM.

    4. Click Add.

    Milestone Process

    Select a milestone process using the picker tool.

    *Container Status

    Select a container status from the drop-down menu. The available options are Empty, Full Container Load, and Less Than Container Load.

    *Booking Number

    Enter a booking number.

    Bill of Lading Number

    Enter a bill of lading number.

    Seal Number

    Enter a seal number.


    Enter a temperature and select either Fahrenheit or Celcius.

    Special Instructions

    Enter any special instructions.

    Transport Details

    Original Shipper

    Enter an original shipper.

    Previous Leg Carrier Name

    Enter the carrier name from the previous leg.


    Select an equipment type from the drop-down menu.

    Port of Loading

    Select a port of loading from the drop-down menu.

    Vessel Name

    Enter a vessel name.

    Vessel Callsign

    Enter a vessel callsign.

    Active Movement

    Enter an active movement number.

    Final Consignee

    Enter a final consignee.

    Port of Discharge

    Enter a port of discharge.

    Voyage Number

    Enter a voyage number.

    Empty Pickup

    Select either Site or Address and then select an empty pickup location using the picker tool.

    Empty Pickup Date

    Select an empty pickup date using the date and time buttons.

    Empty Delivery Date

    Select an empty delivery date using the date and time buttons.

  6. In the Item Description field, click the Add Item Description link.
    The Add Item popup appears.


  7. Fill out the fields as desired and then click Add.

  8. On the New Container Details popup, click Add.
    The container appears in the details pane.


  9. To delete a container row, select the row and click the Delete link.


  10. To copy a container row, click the copy icon.


    The Copy Container popup appears.


  11. In the Number of Copies field, enter a value.

  12. In the Generate Container No and Generate Booking No fields, select the checkbox to use a user-defined prefix when copying the container.

  13. Click the Save to Draft button to save the multi-split shipment for further editing.

  14. Click the Submit button to create the multi-split shipment.
    A success message appears.

Complete the following steps to perform actions on multi-split shipments:

  1. Select the Delete button to delete the multi-split shipment.
    A confirmation popup appears.


  2. Click Yes to delete.

  3. Select the Clone button to clone a multi-split shipment.
    A popup appears.

    Users can copy entire multi-split shipments to a new multi-split shipment. This copies both header and detail information. For the header information, the newly created shipment will have a new system-generated shipper reference number, a default pickup date set as the one day after the current system date, and the default delivery date set as three days after the current system date. All container detail fields are copied except for the container numbers. During the copy, container numbers and booking numbers can be generated by the system or the user; if by the system, it is possible to apply a prefix to the container numbers and booking numbers.


  4. Enter a new Multi-Split Shipment Number or click the Auto-Generate link, and the system will generate a number for you.

  5. Select a pickup and delivery date range.

  6. Click Create.
    A new multi-split shipment details screen appears.