Ordering Kits

The process for creating a deployment order for a Kit consists of these primary steps:

Creating a New Deployment Order

Complete the following steps to create a new deployment order:

  1. Log in to the ONE system.

  2. Click Menus/Favs > Order Mgmt > New Deployment Order.
    The New Deployment Order screen appears.


  3. Enter information for new deployment orders. See the table below for information on individual fields.

    Field Name


    Order Owning Org

    The organization that owns the DO.

    Order Management Org

    The organization that manages the DO.

    Order Fulfillment Org

    The organization which promises and creates the ASN for the DO.

    Order Number

    Unique number for the order assigned by the system.

    Buying Org*

    The organization that is creating a deployment order.

    Selling Org

    The organization which owns the ship from plant/site.

    Ship From

    Ship From Address

    Ship To*

    Ship To Address

    Ship To Location

    Ship To Location

    Request Ship Date

    The Requested DO Ship Date.

    Request Delivery Date*

    The Requested DO delivery date.

    Trans Mode*

    The mode of transportation for this DO.


    Can be added by different users who work on DO.


    Any attached documents go here. Users who work on the DO can add Attachments.


    The State of the DO.

    Adding a Kit Line Item to the Deployment Order

    Complete the following steps to add a kit to a Deployment Order:

  1. Click Add Line.
    The new line appears.


    For this procedure, The Line Type is selected as Kit.


  2. Use the picker tool to select an Item.
    The Item Description, Quantity UOM, and Unit Price are automatically populated based on the selected item.

  3. Enter a Request Quantity.
    The Line Amount is calculated when the requested quantity is entered.

  4. Click Save.
    A success message appears.

  5. As desired, enter Billing and Contact Info, Add a Tracking Event, Add Notes and Attachments, and Set Additional Shipment Parameters as described in the "Creating a Deployment Order" section of the Online Help.