Other Info Tab

On the Other Info tab, you can edit or specify special instructions for pickup, delivery, or other. You can also provide contract confirmation for pickup and delivery and specify additional information as needed.


  1. Enter values for fields described in the table below. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.




    Special Instructions


    Click the Click to edit link and type the special pickup instructions.


    Click the Click to edit link and type the special delivery instructions.


    Click the Click to edit link and type any other instructions.

    Contact Information


    1. Click the not set (or Click to edit) link
      A popup displays.

    2. Edit or fill in fields for

    • Name

    • Phone

    • Ext (extension)

    • Fax

    • Email

    • Mobile (cell phone number)


    1. Click the not set (or Click to edit) link.
      A popup displays.

    2. Edit or fill in fields for

    • Name

    • Phone

    • Ext (extension)

    • Fax

    • Email

    • Mobile (cell phone number)

    Bill To

    1. Click the not set (or Click to edit) link.
      A popup displays.

    2. Edit or fill in fields for

    • Name

    • Phone

    • Ext (extension)

    • Fax

    • Email

    • Mobile (cell phone number)

    Additional Information

    Balance Item

    Enter a value for the balance item.

    Carrier Ref

    Enter a carrier reference ID.

    DA Comments

    Enter comments for any Documents against Acceptance.

    Discounted Stop

    Select a value from the drop-down list for discounts that might apply to stops.

    Enable Promotions

    Check the box if promotions will be enabled.

    LTL Cost

    Enter a numerical value and the country currency code for less than truck load (LTL) costs.

    Origin Vendor

    Enter the origin vendor organization.

    PO Comments 1

    Enter comments about the purchase order.

    Pickup Number

    Enter a pickup number.

    TL Cost

    Enter a numerical value and the country currency code for the truckload (TL) cost.


    Enter the units included in the shipment.

    Planning Bucket

    Enter a planning bucket for the shipment.

    Pickup Value Added Service Provider

    Use the picker tool to select a Value Added Service (VAS) pickup provider.

    Buyer ID

    Enter the buyer's ID.

    Credit Acct

    Enter a credit account number.

    Debit Acct

    Enter a debit account number.

    Driver type

    Select a driver type from the drop-down menu.


    Check the box to have this shipment expedited.

    Manually Canceled Appointment Originator

    Enter the originator for a manually canceled appointment.

    PO Comments 2

    Enter comments for the purchase order associated with this shipment.

    Scheduled Receiving Date

    Enter the scheduled receiving date.


    Enter a temperature if one is required for the items being shipped.

    Vendor Pallet Qty

    Enter the quantity for vendor pallets.

    Drop Off Type

    Select the drop off type from the drop-down menu.

    Delivery Value Added Service Provider

    Use the picker to select a Value Added Service (VAS) delivery provider.

  2. Click Next.
    The Schedule tab appears.