Posting Available Carrier Capacity

Carrier Transportation Manager roles can post available capacity for consumption in Market Maker.

Complete the following to post available capacity:

  1. L og in to the ONE system.

  2. Click Menu/Favs > Contract Mgmt > Posted Capacity.
    The Post Capacity screen appears.


  3. Click the Post Capacity button.
    The Post Capacity screen appears.


  4. Fill out the following fields. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.



    * Equipment

    Select an equipment type from the dropdown menu.

    * Lane

    Select a lane using the picker tool or click New Lane to add a new lane.

    Effective Period

    Enter the effective period as a date range using the calendar and clock buttons.

    Cuttoff Time

    Enter a cutoff time using the calendar and clock buttons.

    * Capacity

    Enter the capacity.


    Enter any comments.


    Add Shippers for whom this capacity is available in the Shippers fields. Click the Add link to add a new shipper to the list of shippers.

  5. Click Create.