Searching Regions

Regions are set up to define geographical areas. Regions are used when defining lanes (origin and destination regions).

Complete the following steps to search regions:

  1. Log in to the ONE system.

  2. Select Menu/Favs > Administration > Regions and Lanes.
    The Regions and Lanes screen appears with three tabs at the bottom: Regions (default), Lanes, and Zones.


  3. Click a Region Name link to view region details.
    The region details screen appears showing details about the selected region.


  4. Click the Add button.
    A popup appears.


  5. Select a Pattern and select a Site.

  6. Click Save.
    The region details screen updates.

  7. Back on the Regions and Lanes screen, expand a Region Type cell by clicking the triangle icon.
    The row expands.


  8. Click the Export to CSV button to export the report to a CSV file.