Splitting Shipments

Users can use the Logistics Planner Workbench to view the impact of splitting shipments as part of a "what if" scenario.

Complete the following steps to split shipments in movements:

  1. Log in to the ONE network.

  2. Click Menus/Favs > Transportation > Planner Workbench.
    The Planner Workbench screen displays.


  3. Complete the following fields to populate the subnet for the planner workbench. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.

    1. Use the calendar and clock tools to fill in the * Delivery Range dates. Users can select single dates or patterns.

    2. Use the picker tool to select the sites for the Depots field.

    3. Type in the value for the Shipment Number field. Asterisks ( * ) are permitted as wild cards.

    4. Click on the dropdown arrow to Add a field... if more filters are required for the search parameters.
      The new field displays.

    5. Select a value for the new field.

  4. Click the Apply button.
    The screen refreshes with a map in the background, a list of shipments, and a popup window for NEO Prescriptions.


  5. There are two ways to access the Split Shipments slideout.

    • Using the Map View images/download/attachments/131833061/image2020-7-29_16-46-6-version-1-modificationdate-1681492800000-api-v2.png :

      1. If the movement list is not displayed, click the movement list button in the upper left corner.

      2. Click the crossed arrow icon for a movement in the movement list to add it to the map view.
        The crossed arrow icon turns blue, and the movement is added to the map.


      3. Click a circle (a stop) to display the stop popup, or click on the colored bar (a route) to display the movement popup.



      4. Click the Actions icon.
        A menu displays.

      5. Click Split Shipments.
        The Split Shipments slide-out displays.

    • Using the Grid View:

      1. Click the Grid View icon on the right side of the screen.


        The Grid View screen displays.


      2. If the movement list is not displayed, click the movement list button in the upper left corner.


        The movement list displays.

      3. Click the crossed arrow icon for a movement.
        The movement is added to the table in the grid view.

      4. Click the movement list button to close the list.


      5. Click the Actions button next to the movement name.


        A menu of actions displays.

      6. Click Split Shipments.
        The Split shipment slideout displays.


  6. Select the shipment to split from the Shipment dropdown menu.

  7. Select the type of Split Criteria from the dropdown menu.
    The unit of measure for each shipment in the movement updates.

  8. Type in the value for each shipment to make the split.

  9. Click the Split shipment button.
    The screen updates to display the new shipment calculation based on the new split, and the change is listed in the Scratchpad Task List.

  10. At this point, users have several options to move forward with the movement.

    1. Click the Execute button (


      ) to execute the changes.

    2. Click the Compare to Baseline button (


      ) to view utilization details from before and after the changes were made.

    3. Click Help NEO Out! to view optimization options.