Searching Sales Contracts

Vendor Sales Representatives (VSRs) can search for existing sales contracts. From the Search Sales Contracts screen, you can view contract terms, view audit history, or export the search results to a spreadsheet.

Complete the following steps to search contracts:

  1. L og in to the ONE system.

  2. Click Menu/Favs > Contract Mgmt > Search Sales Contracts > Search Sales Contracts. In the NEO UI, users can click on the Menus/Favs icon on the left sidebar and type in the name of the screen in the menu search bar. For more information, see "Using the Menu Search Bar."
    The Search Contracts screen displays with all filters.


  3. Fill out the following fields. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.




    Check a box for the contract state(s) to search.

    * Customer

    Enter the customer for which the contract was created.

    Contract No

    Enter the contract number.

    Contract Type

    Select the type of contract from the dropdown list.

    Ship From Site

    Enter the Ship From site where this contract indicates.


    Enter the item entered for the contract.

    Contract Mgmt Org

    Enter the organization that will handle the contract management.

    Clone Source Contract Number

    Enter the number of the source contract that the contract was cloned from.

    Retrieve For

    Select a time frame from when the contract was created from the dropdown list.

    Effective Date

    Use the calendar and clock tools to select the beginning and end dates for the contract.

    Order Number

    Enter the order number associated with the contract.

    Contract Terms No

    Enter the contract terms number.

    Contract Type

    Enter the type of contract. Sales Contract is the default.

    Ship To Site

    Enter the Ship To site where this contract indicates.

    Order Mgmt Org

    Enter the organization that will handle the order management.

    Contract Name

    Enter the name of the contract.

  4. Click the Search link.
    The search results display.


  5. To view the contract terms in a contract, click the expand button next to the Contract Number.


  6. To view the contract lines in a contract term, click the expand button next to the Terms No.


  7. To view the audit history for a contract, term, or line item, click the audit icon.
    The audit screen for that component displays rows showing the details about the component along with the user who made the changes and the date/time for the changes (found in the last columns).


  8. To view details about a contract or term, click the contract or term screen.
    The edit screen for that contract shows the contract detail.


  9. Click the Export to CSV button to export the report to a CSV file.

  10. Click the Print button to save a PDF of the contract to your computer for printing.

  11. Check the box in front of one or more contracts to select them for action. You can also select terms or line items.

  12. Click the Actions button.
    A menu of action options displays; the actions that are available are dependent upon the state of the contract, terms, or line item.

  13. Select an option.
    The action is performed on the contract.