Using the Movement Details Screen

Movements are automatically created when shipments are created in the ONE system, and details for the movement are found on various tabs in the movement's details screen.

Complete the following steps to use the Resources tab for movements:

  1. L og in to the ONE system.

  2. Search for the desired movement using the global search method or click Menu/Favs > Transportation > Search Movements. Movements can also be accessed from the Search Shipment screen. In the NEO UI, users can click on the Menus/Favs icon on the left sidebar and type in the name of the screen in the menu search bar. For more information, see "Using the Menu Search Bar."

  3. Click the movement link if you are on the Search Movements or Search Shipments screen.
    The Header screen for the movement details page displays by default.


  4. Enter values for fields described in the table below. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required. Many of the fields pull their data from the shipment(s) details associated with the movement.




    First section

    * Movement

    This field is auto-populated.

    Click the key icon


    This field is auto-populated.

    Total Wt

    This field is auto-populated based on equipment and container information.

    Shipped Quantity 1

    This field is auto-populated.


    Select the equipment required from the dropdown list.


    Use the picker tool to select the carrier.

    Scale Weight

    This field is auto-populated.

    Continuous Movement

    This field is auto-populated.

    Last Event Type

    This field is auto-populated based on event tracking established for the movement.

    Last Event Time

    This field is auto-populated based on event tracking established for the movement.


    This field is auto-populated.


    This field is auto-populated based on stops created in the shipment.

    Total Vol

    This field is auto-populated.

    Quantity Shipped 2

    This field is auto-populated.


    Enter a numerical value in the first field, and select a UOM from the dropdown menu in the second field.

    Total Cost

    This field is auto-populated.

    Deadhead Distance

    This field is auto-populated.

    Seal No

    Enter the seal number.

    Registration No

    Enter the registration number.

    Equipment No

    Enter the equipment number.

    Total Spaces

    Enter the total number of spaces available.

    Total Half Spaces

    Enter the total number of half spaces available.

    Movement Type

    This field is auto-populated.

    Next Stop ETA

    This field is auto-populated.

    Rating Type

    Select the rating type from the dropdown menu.

    Is Round Trip

    Check the box if this movement is a round trip.

    Transit Time

    This field is auto-populated.


    This field is auto-populated.

    Second section

    Carrier PRO No/HBL

    Enter the carrier PRO or HBL number.

    Booking Number

    Enter the booking number.

    Commodity Code

    Use the picker tool to select a commodity code.

    Travel Direction

    Select the travel direction from the dropdown menu.

    Transportation Mode

    Select the transportation mode from the dropdown menu.


    1. Click the Click to edit link to add instructions.
      A text box displays.

    2. Type in instructions.

    3. Click outside the box.

    Over Weight

    Check the box if the movement is over the expected weight.

    Over Dimensions

    Check the box if the movement is over the expected dimensions.

    Service level

    Use the picker tool to select the service level.


    This field will auto-populate based on equipment or container information.

    Distribution Code

    Enter the distribution code.

    Offnetwork Driver Name

    Enter the name of the off-network driver.

  5. Click the NEO icon.
    The Movement Prescriptions slideout displays any available prescription suggestions.

  6. Click on a prescription to select it.

  7. Click the Chat button.
    The Start A New Chat slideout displays. See the "Chats, Collaborations, and Conversations" section in the Online Help for more information.

  8. Click the View Tender Plan button.
    The movement's tender plan details screen displays.


  9. Click the Save button to save any updates. This is optional if you need to make updates to fields on other tabs. You can move between tabs without losing data and click the Save button once all changes have been made.
    A green success message displays.

  10. Click the Load tab.
    The Load tab displays. Please see the "Using the Movement Details Load Tab" section in the Online Help for more information.