Creating Carrier Contract Discount Rates

Discount rates are often applied within carrier contracts. Carrier contract discount rates are created for specific shipping scenarios per carrier. Users can apply the discount rates easily to shipments after the rate scenarios are created rather than applying the rates individually for every shipment.

Complete the following steps to create a discount rate for a carrier contract:

  1. Log in to the ONE system.

  2. Click the Menus/Favs icon and navigate to Contract Mgmt > Carrier Contracts.

    The included page could not be found.

    The Explorer pane shows the Carrier Contracts hierarchy in the collapsed state.

  3. Click on the + to expand the collapsed menu tree.
    The list of carriers and policies appears.

  4. Click on Discount Rate for a carrier contract on the left-hand side of the screen.
    The existing discount rates appear in the right pane.


  5. Click the Create Discount Rate button.
    The Create Discount Rate screen displays.


  6. Complete the following fields. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.

    * Effective Period

    Use the calendar tool to select a start date and end date for this rate.

    * Rating Type

    Select the rating type from the dropdown menu.

    * Lane

    Use the picker tool to select an existing lane.
    If an existing lane does not exist, click the New Lane link and follow these steps:

    1. Select the origin type from the dropdown menu and its specific name using the picker tool for * Lane From.

    2. Select the destination type from the dropdown menu and its specific name using the picker tool for * To.

    Service Level

    Use the picker tool to select a service level.

    Commodity Code

    Select a commodity code from the dropdown menu.

    * Equipment

    Select the equipment this rate will apply to from the dropdown menu.


    Use the picker tool to select an accessorial code.

    * Discount Method

    Select the discount method for the carrier contract.

    Indirect Discount

    Enter a value for an indirect discount, and then select a currency country code.

    * Discount

    Enter a value for a discount, and then select a currency country code.

    Use for Reverse Lane

    Check the box if this rate can be used for a reverse lane shipment.

    Allow Steps

    Check the Allow Steps box to establish steps for rates. Once checked, a table displays for the Rates field. Complete the following instructions to add steps for rates:

    1. Select a unit of measure from the dropdown menu.

    2. Click on the Add link.
      A row displays in the table.

    3. Enter the minimum and maximum values for the Distance Range field.

    4. Enter a value and select a country from the dropdown menu for the *Rate field.

  7. Click the Save button.
    The screen with the rate's details displays a green success message. The new rate will display in the Carrier Contracts list of discount rates for the carrier.

From the discount rate detail screen, the following actions can be performed.

  1. Click on the Download CSV for Upload button to download the rate information to the user's computer.

  2. Click on the Upload CSV button to upload a CSV file.
    The Upload popup window displays.

  3. Click the Deactivate button to deactivate the discount rate.
    A green success bar displays to confirm that the discount rate is deactivated.

  4. Click the Save and Copy button to make a copy of the discount rate in order to modify it for a new discount rate.

  5. Click on the Close button to close this screen.

  6. Click the H link at the top of the screen to view a history or audit trail for this rate.