Creating Carrier Contracts

Users can create contracts for carriers and set policies and preferences from a single screen. Some fields are context-sensitive in that they may be unavailable due to selections made in other fields on the screen.

Complete the following steps to create a carrier contract:

  1. Log in to the ONE system.

  2. Click Menus/Favs > Contract Mgmt > Carrier Contracts.
    The Explorer pane appears, displaying the Carrier Contracts hierarchy in a collapsed state.


  3. Click the New Contract link at the bottom of the screen.
    The Create Carrier Contract pane appears.


  4. Complete the following fields. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.




    Create Carrier Contract

    * Contract Name

    Type in a name for the carrier contract.


    Check the box if this contract will be global. If selected, the Carrier field will no longer display.

    * Start Date

    Use the calendar tool to select the start date for this contract.

    * Carrier

    Use the picker tool to select the carrier.

    * End Date

    Use the calendar tool to select the end date for this contract.


    Select the client name by using the picker tool.

    The carrier contract will be applicable to the specific client.


    Select the tariff for the contract.

    Cost Allocator

    Select the cost allocator from the dropdown menu.

    Dim Factor

    Type in the dimensional factor for the contract.

    Round Up Dim Wt/Vol?

    Check the box to round the dimensional weight and/or volume up.

    Rate Derivation Policies

    Group Shipment Lines

    Check the box to group the shipment lines.

    Group Based on Cost Allocation

    Check the box to group based on cost allocation.

    Grouping By

    Check the box(es) to select grouping by commodity code, rating type, origin, and/or destination.

    Rating Level

    Select the rating level from the dropdown menu.

    Dim Calculation Level

    Select the dimension calculation level from the dropdown menu.

    Enable Rate for Reverse Lanes

    Check the box to enable rates for reverse lanes.

    Skip Deficit Rating

    Check the box to skip deficit ratings for the contract.

    Currency Preferences

    Currency Converter

    Use the picker tool to select a converter for the currency.

    Preferred Invoice Currency

    Select the preferred currency for invoices from the dropdown menu.

    Event for Conversion

    Select an event to trigger a currency conversion from the dropdown menu.

    Use Base Rate as Preferred UOM

    Check the box if the base rate will be the preferred unit of measure.

    * Lane Name

    Click on the cell in the row and then use the picker to select a lane.
    Click on the Add link to add a row to the Lane Base Currency Conversion Preference table. A new row displays in the table.

    * Currency Converter

    Click on the cell in the row and then use the picker tool to select a converter for currency.

    * Preferred Invoice Currency

    Click on the cell in the row and then select a currency for invoices.

    * Event for Conversion

    Click on the cell in the row and then select an event to trigger the currency conversion.

    Use Base Rate as Preferred UOM

    Check the box if the base rate will be the preferred unit of measure.


  5. Drag and drop a document onto the screen to add a document as an attachment for the contract or use the following instructions to upload a document.

  6. Click the Upload link.
    The Upload popup window displays.


    The following table describes the fields. Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.



    * Document Type

    Leave Attachment as the selection for this field.

    Additional Info

    Type in notes in the Additional Info field.


    Select this checkbox if this document is the final version.

    * File

    1. Click on the Browse button.
      The file selection window displays.

    2. Select the necessary file.

    3. Click the Open button.

  7. Click the OK button.
    The document is added in the Attachments table.

  8. Click on the checkbox to select a document.
    The Download Selected and Email Selected links are now available.

  9. Click on Download Selected.
    The document is automatically downloaded to the user's computer.

  10. Click on Email Selected.
    The Email Documents popup window displays.

  11. Type in an * Email Address.

  12. Type in a Message.

  13. Click the Send Email button.
    The email is sent.

  14. Click on the Create Contract button.
    A green success bar displays.