Return Orders

Returns or Return Orders (RO) are orders which allow users to return goods or materials that were previously ordered or received. A return order may or may not be associated with a specific purchase order or deployment order. As long as the seller approves the return order, the system allows the return to proceed.

Returns management consists of creation and managing the life-cycle of a Return Order. Once a Return is created, it has to undergo the approval process by the Seller. Seller is responsible for the verification of all of the information on the return before approval. Sellers are also responsible for picking a valid end date for the return.

The basic workflow for return orders is shown in the following graphic.


There are two primary return order scenarios:

  • Returns against Source Purchase Order or Deployment Order
    In this scenario, the return is created against a source order. The buyer can return only the items associated with the source order. The source order is specified on the return and the return quantity on the return is validated against the available quantity to be returned on the source order. A return can be against only one source order.

  • Returns without Source Order
    In this scenario, the return is not created against any source order, instead, the Order Creation Organization (OCO) can choose to return any item. However, the seller needs to review such returns carefully and approve them. The seller must manually validate the quantity of the item being returned.

The following Return Order activities can be performed from the Order Management menu in the One Network UI: